Buttons (All) – findings
- Arsenbronze 4609
- Tin 483
- Arsenbronze Shields 2910
- Cuff 1054
- Coat of Arms 2033
- Copper with polished iron 182
- Lead 347
- Austrian Railways buttons 164
- Copper 764
- Brass 5859
- Aluminium 276
- Patent 31
- Silver 82
- Pb/Sn alloy 133
- Porcelain 25
- Glass and with glass 446
- Zinc 107
- School buttons 21
- Bronze-Shield 55
- Pearlescent 29
- Coating 7
- Buttons of Polish Railways 2
- Buttons - sports associations and clubs 2
- with anchor 146
- Brno Police until 1918 14
- Vienna Police until 1918 6
- Retrieved from 229
- Plastic 2
- US police 2
- Enamelled 48
- Bronze 11
- RU patriotic buttons 8
- Corporate 3
- Gold plated 70
- Anniversary button for the Battle of Leipzig 1813 17
- Buttons of the Hungarian Railways 0
Each of us has probably lost a button, a common thing for some , yet probably everyone wears one. I've found quite a few in the woods, meadows and fields over the last 6 years. I often look at them and wonder who wore them, who lost them and what their history is.... A button over the centuries... At the very beginning was probably a thorn, then followed by a fishbone. The first clothespins were born. But all this was in prehistoric times, the Stone Age. The earliest mention of an admittedly primitive, but from our point of view fully-fledged button, comes from the earlier Bronze Age (1800-1700 BC), when it appears together with a needle - the fibula. However, its use is only decorative. It was not until the 12th-13th centuries that buttons came into practical use, along with the spreading change in fashion. The cult of the button was the Rococo period, when up to 70 buttons were sewn on coats and waistcoats. The first to embrace the new element in dress were the nobility, but soldiers were not left behind. It didn't take long for this fashion to take root in the Czech lands. The first pioneer of the pewter button was Christian Hiecke from Petrovice in northern Bohemia in 1770. This was followed by Imperial Vienna and Waldes in Prague...
Text: www.uniformni-knofliky.cz
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