Second World War


Divers found the Enigma in a fishing net

Divers found the Enigma in a fishing net

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German divers from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), searching for discarded fishing nets in the Baltic Sea, came across a surprising thing. From the water they pulled out a rare Enigma cipher machine used by the Nazi army during World War II.
4.12.1916 Jaromír Nechanský was born 4. 12. 1916

4.12.1916 Jaromír Nechanský was born

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Major Jaromír Nechanský was one of the most interesting personalities of the anti-Nazi and anti-communist resistance. He was a member of the Platinum-Pewter paratroop. After World War II, he was condemned and executed.
30 November 1938 Emil Hácha elected President 30. 11. 1938

30 November 1938 Emil Hácha elected President

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The obedient official Emil Hácha bowed to the authorities of the Czech political scene at a time when no one was too eager for the presidency. After the cession of large border areas to Hitler's Germany in early October 1938, the situation in the country was difficult.
11/15/1939 Funeral of Jan Opletal 15. 11. 1939

11/15/1939 Funeral of Jan Opletal

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Jan Opletal was shot dead by a German police during a demonstration in October 1939. His funeral turned into a large student demonstration against Nazi arbitrariness, for which the students subsequently paid a cruel tax. Some were executed, others were taken to a concentration camp.
13.11.1942 Battle of Guadalcanal 13. 11. 1942

13.11.1942 Battle of Guadalcanal

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The Battle of Guadalcanalis the name of the military operation of the Pacific Front that began with the landing of the U.S. Marines in August 1942. It culminated in a clash between the Japanese and American navies in November.

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