Teknetics - recenze a testy


Metal Detectors - Teknetics TEK Point and Fisher F-Pulse

Metal Detectors - Teknetics TEK Point and Fisher F-Pulse

8436 4
Since we get questions about the operation of these two pinpointers almost every time we sell them, we made a brief description for all owners and also made a video for those who don't like to read. As many say, better to see once than read ten times.
Teknetics T2+ LTD field practice metal detector

Teknetics T2+ LTD field practice metal detector

20532 10
I could test for quite a long time, about three months. The detector is top quality and there is no doubt about it. The sound from the speaker is beautifully audible and very distinctive. Operation and setup is very quick and with a little practice, easy to remember....
New Teknetics Liberator metal detector in LP offer

New Teknetics Liberator metal detector in LP offer

15744 0
Teknetics has added a new device to its range of detectors, designed for beginners and intermediate searchers, the Teknetics Liberator. It is a richly equipped and 2D coil detector, which was priced close to ten thousand CZK, but now thanks to special prices from Teknetics it will be sold for 6 490 CZK including VAT!

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