

Celts and Germans on the periphery

Celts and Germans on the periphery

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The exhibition "Celts and Germans on the Periphery" is the main output of the project of regional cooperation of the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Brno and the Museum of Highlands Jihlava "Celts and Germans in the region of the Dalešická Dam", implemented in the years 2021-2023 with the financial support of the Vysočina Region and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
"This is the Iron Age..." The Hallstatt Age in the heart of Moravia

"This is the Iron Age..." The Hallstatt Age in the heart of Moravia

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The exhibition will present the most important archaeological findings from Central Moravia, including the territory of the Přerov region, and will put them in the context of the significant European epoch of the earlier Iron Age, when iron began to be used, but at the same time fundamental changes in the social structure of prehistoric society occurred.
Archaeology and metal detectors

Archaeology and metal detectors

8629 7
A hobby widespread, not always welcomed by archaeologists - the search for metal artefacts using metal detectors. Amateur searchers with a real desire to save the material heritage of the past and enthusiasts interested in the life of ourArchaeology and Metal Detectors exhibition, which reveals the treasures hidden beneath the layers of centuries, is aimed at both of these groups.
Tales of the treasures of Podblanice

Tales of the treasures of Podblanice

8521 0
I will present my experience with finding treasures and we will also look back to the times when incredible collections (not only coins) were found in Podblanicko.
3D virtual tours of Egyptian tombs and temples

3D virtual tours of Egyptian tombs and temples

16335 1
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, in collaboration with the American Research Center in Kahira and Harvard University, to create and offer virtual tours of major historical sites, archaeological sites and museums.

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