Archaeology and metal detectors

Categories: Invitations

9. 11. 2023 - 28. 1. 2024
Main building of the Slovácké Museum
Smetanovy sady 179
Uherské Hradiště

A hobby widespread, not always welcomed by archaeologists - searching for metal artefacts using metal detectors. Amateur searchers with a real desire to save the material heritage of the past and enthusiasts interested in the life of ourArchaeology and Metal Detectors exhibition, which reveals the treasures hidden beneath the layers of centuries, is aimed at both of these groups.

The idea of the exhibition is to present the archaeological activity of processing found objects made of metal. It presents the whole process of working with metal artefacts from the moment of finding and documenting them in the field, through their laboratory cleaningpreservation, identification and temporal classification, to their registration as new collection objects. Yes, all found objects have to go through this complex process before they become exhibits in museum display cases as you see them in our exhibition.

The exhibition space itself is structured according to each stage of the imaginary story of the found artifact. The core of the exhibition is a diorama of a forest in which an archaeological find has just been made during a detector survey. The atmosphere of the forest is enhanced by ambient sounds of nature, with aerial footage of one of our prospections running on the projection. Around the central scene are display cases with finds that come from such prospections. From the panels on the walls, the visitor learns what metal objects were made in different periods of prehistory and the Middle Ages. The exhibition space is complemented by two other dioramas - the first one represents the documenter's workplace, and since ourexhibition is realized in cooperation with the conservation department, the second of these dioramas is a presentation of the conservation laboratory.

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Nó tam tam se asi kouknu. To vypadá slibně 👍😊

Uf daleko

Hm,230 kiláků to mám.Škoda, to bych rád viděl. Jestli to máte někdo za humnama udělejte video. Určitě nebudu sám kdo se podívá.🎬🎥📽️😸

Tak aspoň něco, začátek zhruba 12:40 min.
Další pěkná přednáška bude 23.11.2023 v Památníku Velké Moravy ve Starém Městě od 17:00.

Óó 360 km :,-(

Tak to vypadá na pěkný výlet :-O

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