

26.2.2009 18th century corvette with cannons 26. 2. 2009

26.2.2009 18th century corvette with cannons

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The remains of an eighteenth-century Spanish ship were discovered by construction workers. This happened thirteen years ago near the banks of the La Plata River in the Puerto Madero district of Buenos Aires, where the port used to be. The vessel was wrecked here 300 years ago.
25 Feb 2003 Treasure of Germanic weapons

25 Feb 2003 Treasure of Germanic weapons

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A unique find of Germanic weapons was found in 2003 by Jaroslav Zvurský in a forest near Jirkov. Specifically, eleven iron spearheads or spears, five shield handle fittings, four shield buds and a broken sword from the second century. Experts call this depot the Treasure of Hradečná.
24.2.2003 Fields hid a Celtic city

24.2.2003 Fields hid a Celtic city

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The field near Němčice nad Hanou is not at first sight exceptional. In 2003, however, archaeologists discovered that a Celtic town was located on the same site in the past. The settlement stood on the site of the so-called Amber Trail.
23.2.2020 He dug a septic tank, found a silver treasure

23.2.2020 He dug a septic tank, found a silver treasure

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Ladislav Frémuth from Běleček in Pardubice will certainly not forget one Saturday afternoon. Two years ago, when he was digging a septic tank at his old house, he discovered a silver treasure. Specifically, 189 coins from the 17th and 18th centuries. He originally thought he'd found beer caps.
21.2.2019 Runner tripped over 600 silver groschen

21.2.2019 Runner tripped over 600 silver groschen

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An incredible thing happened three years ago to a runner who went for a jog in the forest near Dřevěnice. He scraped up some silver coins. Archaeologists eventually found a total of 600 Prague groschen coins from the reigns of Charles IV and Wenceslas IV.
20 Feb 2013 Rare coin in a matchbox

20 Feb 2013 Rare coin in a matchbox

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Fifty years after the owner's death, a rare half-cent has been found in the UK. It was in a matchbox. Only 1,400 of these coins were ever made. In 2013, the half-cent found sold for £225,700.
19.2.1922 Mysterious silver 5000 year old disc

19.2.1922 Mysterious silver 5000 year old disc

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One hundred years ago, workers discovered a 5000-year-old disc near Štramberk. It was a very interesting piece for collectors, so the artifact ended up in a private collection. Only five years ago it was examined by experts from the Museum of Novojičín.
18 Feb 2015 They broke off Tutankhamun's beard, used glue

18 Feb 2015 They broke off Tutankhamun's beard, used glue

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The mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was damaged by Cairo museum staff seven years ago. It happened during preparations for the exhibition, when they were cleaning the mask and broke off the beard. They then decided to glue together one of the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt, but with inappropriate glue.
17. 2. 2019 Treasure in Meder's house

17. 2. 2019 Treasure in Meder's house

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The coins together with the sacrifice of a cock were discovered three years ago under the floor of Meder's house in Žatec by archaeologist Vojtěch Peksa. The owner probably deposited the treasure sometime in the middle of the seventeenth century. The sacrifice was probably meant to protect the house in question.

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