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25 Feb 2003 Treasure of Germanic weapons
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
A unique find of Germanic weapons was found in 2003 by Jaroslav Zvurský in a forest near Jirkov. Specifically, eleven iron spearheads or spears, five shield handle fittings, four shield buds and a broken sword from the second century. Experts call this depot the Treasure of Hradečná.
The treasure was probably part of a ritual. It is a completely unique find in the Czech Republic. According to archaeologist Lenka Ondráčková from the Chomutov Museum, it is exceptional mainly because of its composition. "Germanic weapons and armaments have never been found in such quantities on the territory of the Czech Republic," the archaeologist said.
The last time someone discovered similar artefacts was in the 1950s. But Ondráčková said they were only a few pieces. The archaeologist restored the treasure found near Jirkov. For example, she spent two years cleaning a rusty shield. The weapons were also twisted. Probably because they could not be used any more, or for ritual reasons - to die with their owners.
"This was done routinely. Either so that the weapons could no longer be used by anyone other than the original owner, or as a symbolic death. They were supposed to die together with the warrior," Ondráčková added.
The bent spikes could also have had a purely practical meaning. Ancient burials may have deformed them to make them easier to fit into small graves.
Archaeologists were surprised by the location of the Germanic weapons. They didn't expect anything like this in the woods near Jirkov. The treasure was found by Jaroslav Zvurský, who, according to archaeologists, spoiled the site by unprofessional digging.
Ondráčková later said that there was neither a settlement nor a burial site at the site of the find. "It could therefore have been a so-called symbolic grave for someone who could not be buried alone. Since eleven spearheads or spears, an iron sword and parts of shields were found, it is clear that it was not the armour of a single warrior," she revealed.
The finder had hidden the items in his cellar for six months. He had no idea that he had made a discovery in a small draw near the village of Hrádečná in the Ore Mountains that was unparalleled in the Czech Republic. In the end, he handed over the findings to the archaeologists himself. According to the archaeologists, the treasure is of considerable historical value...
Sources:,, MF DNES, Právo
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar
Znam toho typka a paní archeložku osobně. A mam info z první ruky.Tohle je zrovna ten případ,prasohledače a rabovače A pro nas nehezka reklama.
MarkyMark hele ty Mirku Dušíne.Neviš o tom zhola nic a budeš tu neustále někoho napadat a povyšovat se a dělat chytryho za každou cenu.Jseš ubožák 😏.Jak už jsem psal ,já na rozdíl od tebe mám informace přímo z muzea.Tenhle týpek toho má na svědomí mnohem víc.Ale o tom se ani z jistého důvodu ani nepsaloTohle se přiznal až když se do toho vložila policie která řešila poničení 12 hrobu germánských hrobu ,kde vybral cennější br. Nálezy a opakovaně se tam vracel půl roku.Tohle člověk pochopí ,když to člověk udělá prvně ale ne účelově a opakovaně😔Toho typka znám osobně a povyprávěl mi o tom a řešili jsme to se zmíněnou arch..I když ho to mrzí a dostal přes prsty ,škoda je tam neskutečná🙁Tenkrát z toho vyvázl jen tak tak a jen díky tomu že spolupracoval a přimluvili se za něj.Tak tu příště neměl blbosti když o tom víš lautr houno jak u většiny tvých nemístných a hloupých příspěvků.Mlčeti zlato mluviti stříbro😉😊
Ty kašpare😆 .Tak ještě jednou.Chapu že nejsi z nejostřejších tužek v penálu,ale aspoň to zkus a přestaň lhat.Střelil si do nohy akorát sebe😆.Nereagoval jsi na článek ale na můj koment a za druhý,psal jsem že toho má na svědomí mnohem víc a vím o tom víc než ty Mirečku😊 Tak si to přečti pořádně ještě jednou,a nemel dokola ty sragory a nedělej tu sebe troubu.I když ty už ani nemusíš.Ty už tu si známá firma temahle kecama😏Takovej chytraku co ví kulový a snaží se dělat chytrý naseru kýbl ty troubo 😂Tak vem rozum do hrsti a vzpamatuje se😊Nazdar😉
A ty si vykeruj ten žlutomodrej hadr ještě na prdel .Čím víc vlajek tím víc Ukrajinec ty chudáku😆Jseš k smíchu😂🤣🤣