týden v Chorvatsku

týden v Chorvatsku

Byl jsem jeden týden Chorvatsku lovu jménem muzea v Vinkovci. Všechny nálezy byly předáno do muzea. Byly to moje nejlepší nálezy. Celtic stříbro Celtic bronz řecký stříbro Mnoho Roman bronz A můj nejlepší nález byl římský těsnění matice.I was one week in Croatia hunting on behalf of the museum in Vinkovci. All finds were handed into the museum. These were my best finds. Celtic silver Celtic bronze Greek silver Many Roman bronze And my very best find was the Roman seal matrix.
Roman Seal Matrix
Roman Seal Matrix
Celtic Silver
Celtic Silver
Celtic Silver
Celtic Silver
Greek Silver
Greek Silver
Greek Silver
Greek Silver
Roman Brooch
Roman Brooch
Roman Brooch
Roman Brooch
24 hlasů
24 hlasů


Great finds, good access!

nice finds Scotty 8-)

Hi Scott, really great, congratulation:) you were certainly more successful with the archaeologist than I was 10yrs ago in Cyprus. I could fill the bags with the tabs, unfortunately not made from silver :) Tacud

We had permission from the ministry of culture or something like that. So we could basically detect anywhere in the area of that town. We could even detect on protected land. But we had to provide find spots for each and every significant find. Using the CTX 3030 made that much easier.
It was an expensive trip but giving such quality finds to the museum was well worth it. :-)

Nádherné nálezy. Myslím, že Chorvati měli radost :)


Pěkné věcičky,hledačka musela bejt super ;-)

Super ;-)

Děkuji za pěkné komentáře :-)

Super nálezy. :-) :-) :-)


Jasná obrovská gratulace.

Vediet kde na to tak sa tam stahujem na mesiac :-D

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