Articles of user litrfree

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How BH Land Ranger Pro Jirka hears and sees it

How BH Land Ranger Pro Jirka hears and sees it

65849 16
I won't beat around the bush for long. The BH Land Ranger Pro is very nice in terms of response. What I like about it is how the response changes with target depth, and gradually and steadily fades, a classic VCO effect, I'm guessing that's not exactly common in this price range. I've been working on a wall polygon mainly in the A mode setting. And that's the one I would recommend and prefer to start with.
Where the village was originally farmed

Where the village was originally farmed

52267 13
When we search the landscape, we are often faced with a question that is crucial to our further search. Was there anything here at all? Archaeologists themselves have attempted to answer this question in some general terms, defining the terms "something" and "nothing" as follows........

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