Articles of user cobasico

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Golden bracelet from Konopiště

Golden bracelet from Konopiště

9252 4
I recently presented here through a brief article the discovery of 31 images, representingof art objects looted at the end of April 1945 by SS soldiers at Konopiště and the search for them. As I wrote last time, among the objects in the pictures there are several that were not stolen at that time and remained in the castle. One of them is a beautiful massive gold bracelet with a portrait miniature.
A quest from Cobasic

A quest from Cobasic

14458 5
I recently managed to discover 31 images capturing some of the subjects (this is just a small fraction!; mainly various miniatures on ivory and also jars and clocks) that were looted by SS soldiers at Konopiště on 27th and 28th April 1945 and taken to Kufstein in Austria (Tyrol). At that time, at the end of the Second World War, 31 crates were taken from Konopiště (numbers 1-22 and numbers I-X; except for one crate - supposedly number 2, which was saved!). A large number of objects (mostly precious metals, e.g. coins and medals, but also others) were looted from the crates and stolen

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