Articles of user Viky

← Viky

20.2.1411 - Jošt Lucemburský was buried 20. 2. 1411

20.2.1411 - Jošt Lucemburský was buried

12950 1
He was one of the most able politicians, and was even elected king of Rome. He is also described in historical sources as a very ambitious man who changed his mind as he saw fit. Jošt Lucemburský (Moravian) died at Špilberk and was buried on 20 February 1411 in the Church of St. Thomas.
18.2.1126 - Battle of Chlumec 18. 2. 1126

18.2.1126 - Battle of Chlumec

15377 1
Soběslav I. won a victory at the Battle of Chlumec, where he defeated the Roman-German king Lothar III. In honour of this triumph, he had the rotunda of St. George, located on Říp, rebuilt and explained.
17.2.1754- Maria Theresa orders a census 17. 2. 1754

17.2.1754- Maria Theresa orders a census

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The first census on our territory was ordered by Maria Theresa on 17 February 1754. According to the results, we were one of the most densely populated European countries at that time. But this step of the Austrian monarch also provoked resistance. Some did not even believe that a census had actually taken place.
Hundreds of Jewish objects

Hundreds of Jewish objects

16824 1
Near Krakow, there is a synagogue that was destroyed by the Nazis during World War II, only now hundreds of Jewish objects have been found there. They were hidden in a box under the floor and remained untouched for decades.
16.2.1862 The Czech Sokol Community was founded 16. 2. 1862

16.2.1862 The Czech Sokol Community was founded

15160 4
In a healthy body a healthy spirit! In the mind, a country, in the arm, strength! Let us strive! This is the motto of the Czech Sokol Community, which is the most successful physical education organization in our country. It was founded by Miroslav Tyrš and Jindřich Fügner on 16 February 1862.
Nazi bunkers in Normandy

Nazi bunkers in Normandy

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Several hidden bunkers have been found near the beaches where the Allied landing of Operation Overlord took place in 1944. They were part of a German defensive system used to repel possible attacks from the enemy. The abandoned structures were not known about for decades.
Rare Gold Sovereign

Rare Gold Sovereign

16875 12
Truck driver Sean Sandercock (38) found a rare gold coin with a metal detector Minelab Equinox 800. He discovered a sovereign from the reign of Henry VIII. Its value is estimated by experts at £2,000. For the finder, it is said to be the "holy grail" in hyperbole.
13.2.1960 Czech Egyptologist František Lexa died 13. 2. 1960

13.2.1960 Czech Egyptologist František Lexa died

20966 1
Czech Egyptology has gained fame all over the world. Its foundations were laid by Professor František Lexa, whose teachers included Alois Jirásek. He translated one chapter of the Book of the Dead into Czech and was dean of Charles University. He died on 13 February 1960.

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