Articles of user Viky

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16.01.1969 - The Burning Torch of Jan Palach 16. 1. 1969

16.01.1969 - The Burning Torch of Jan Palach

15006 8
He protested against the Soviet occupation and sacrificed the ultimate price - his own life. Jan Palach, a student of history and political economy at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, burned himself to death on 16 January 1969, dying in great pain three days later.
Gold coins from a clay jug

Gold coins from a clay jug

23121 1
During excavations in the Israeli city of Yaven, archaeologists discovered gold coins dating back to the early Islamic period. They are therefore about 1200 years old. They were hidden in a broken clay jar.
13.01.1330 - Frederick I. Sličný died after a long illness 13. 1. 1330

13.01.1330 - Frederick I. Sličný died after a long illness

16554 2
A significant part of his reign was influenced by his disputes with Louis Bavor over the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. For the last three years of his life, he was very ill and made himself scarce. Frederick I of Habsburg, who is also known as the Magnificent, died on 13 January 1330.
1700 year old eggs

1700 year old eggs

15040 2
A somewhat smelly treasure has been discovered by archaeologists in Aylesbury, England, near Oxford. During the excavation, they found some 1,700-year-old eggs. But they managed to break three of the four. They could tell right away by the strong smell.
Jewellery in Anglo-Saxon graves

Jewellery in Anglo-Saxon graves

13577 0
Beautiful Roman and Anglo-Saxon artefacts were discovered by archaeologists two years ago near Baginton airport in England. Specifically, they were found in two graves in which a man of high status and a Roman girl between the ages of six and twelve were buried. After much research, it was not until December that experts released what exactly was found in the area.
Medals in a forgotten bag

Medals in a forgotten bag

18081 1
The sheriff's office subsequently found anything in the seized bags. "Often it's various weapons like knives. But occasionally we find something that takes our breath away," notes local Sheriff Lane Akin.
Tombs with gold jewellery

Tombs with gold jewellery

14965 1
Archaeologists who found two royal tombs on the south-western Greek island of Peloponnese are rejoicing in a great discovery. Initial estimates put them at around 3,500 years old. Inside were gold jewels such as an amulet with the Egyptian goddess Hathor, who was the protector of the dead and welcomed and awakened the underworld.
Searching for meteorites in Antarctica

Searching for meteorites in Antarctica

16788 4
Scientists will search for rare meteorites in Antarctica. The British expedition hopes to find at least a few. Their exploration will take six weeks. They've gone to the region of permafrost and cold equipped with a special metal detector. Specifically, they're looking for meteorites called Siderites. They usually contain 20 percent iron and nickel.
Search for Holocaust victims

Search for Holocaust victims

13966 0
Investigators from the Institute of National Memory (IPN) have announced the discovery of another massgrave near the site of the Treblinka I extermination camp during World War II. Scientists from other institutions were also invited to join the research. It is not yet clear how many of the dead are in the pit, which measures roughly 3.4 by 4.5 metres.
Mass grave of Prussian and Napoleonic soldiers

Mass grave of Prussian and Napoleonic soldiers

13727 5
Construction workers found a mass grave in the German town of Mainz. It contains the remains of soldiers who died of typhus after the Battle of Leipzig in 1813, according to archaeologists who are now searching the site and planning to secure it from vandals.

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