Articles of user GM4PRO


In Denmark, they found a very rare 3,000-year-old ceremonial sword in perfect condition

In Denmark, they found a very rare 3,000-year-old ceremonial sword in perfect condition

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Archaeologists have found a unique ceremonial sword from the Bronze Age in the village of Håre on the Danish island of Funen. It is in perfect condition, from the bronze blade to the wooden handle. Even plant fibers from the material in which the sword was originally wrapped have been preserved. The first information speaks about the origin of the material from Central Europe.
New findings about the burial ground from the time of the migration of peoples in Sendražice

New findings about the burial ground from the time of the migration of peoples in Sendražice

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In 2019, archaeologists discovered a unique 5th-century female tomb with rich equipment in Sendražice near Hradec Králové. It is one of a total of six tombs found here from the early period of migration. Five of them were looted, but the intact log cabin grave contained an amazing collection of artifacts of a high-ranking woman. This is an unprecedented finding in the Czech Republic.
A shocking message from the past: children's identification stamps in the Sobibor extermination camp

A shocking message from the past: children's identification stamps in the Sobibor extermination camp

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Excavations at the Sobibor extermination camp in Poland have revealed four identification marks of murdered Jewish children. All came from Amsterdam, which was part of the targeted extermination of Dutch Jews in the spring and summer of 1943. In this camp alone, more than a quarter of a million people, thousands of young children, including infants, were cruelly murdered in just 16 months.
2,000-year-old hoard of silver coins found on the bank of a stream

2,000-year-old hoard of silver coins found on the bank of a stream

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In September last year, archaeologists found 651 silver coins from the Roman period in the ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in Kütahya province in western Turkey. According to experts, this is a unique collection of all the rulers of the late Roman Republic, the so-called "coin album" of the rulers...
Watched chasing birds and found a treasure trove of Celtic gold staters for a record sum

Watched chasing birds and found a treasure trove of Celtic gold staters for a record sum

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It's like The Detectorist! A birdwatcher was watching magpies and buzzards over a freshly ploughed field when he caught a sharp glimpse of something golden. Arriving at the site, he found a 2,000-year-old Celtic coin in the mud. As he is also an avid detectorist, he went home to get his equipment and when he returned, within hours he found another 1,300 gold coins dating back to the mid-1st century. His find set a new British record...
The unique Anglo-Saxon cross from the detectorist's hoard has regained its original appearance after three years of cleaning

The unique Anglo-Saxon cross from the detectorist's hoard has regained its original appearance after three years of cleaning

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When Derek McLennan discovered the so-called Galloway Treasure in 2014 with his CTX 3030, it was a huge event that literally took the world by storm. Over time we were able to watch videos of the recovery of one of Scotland's greatest treasures, and later waited with baited breath for thethe CT scan of the contents of the unique Carolingian pot, from which conservators then extracted hundreds of beautiful gold and silver artefacts... And today, we're witnessing another success story: The presentation of a 9th century silver and gilded cross in its original glory.

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