Articles of user GM4PRO


Exploration of the Merovey pottery workshop brought previously unknown information and findings

Exploration of the Merovey pottery workshop brought previously unknown information and findings

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Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of kilograms of well-preserved ceramics from the period between the 6th and 7th centuries AD. The discovery was made in the village of Sevrey in eastern France. Among the vessels in excellent condition are variants and types not previously recorded anywhere; the information found significantly increases knowledge of pottery production in the early medieval period.
Detectorist finds 2,000-year-old Roman dagger, leads to discovery of unknown battlefield!

Detectorist finds 2,000-year-old Roman dagger, leads to discovery of unknown battlefield!

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An amateur archaeologist using a metal detector has discovered a well-preserved decorated dagger of a Roman soldier from the middle of the 1st century BC. The find brought a team of archaeologists to the site, who subsequently uncovered hundreds of artefacts from the "lost" battlefield on which Roman legionaries fought the Raetians in an attempt to consolidate Roman power in the Alpine region.
2,500-year-old artifacts in excellent condition unearthed by animal in Swedish forest

2,500-year-old artifacts in excellent condition unearthed by animal in Swedish forest

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Tomas Karlsson, while marking the forest for orienteering, discovered well-preserved metal artefacts sticking out of the ground after being raked by animals. He reported the discovery to the Anglisås board, which sent a specialist to the site. Subsequent investigations brought up to 50 more artefacts. This is one of Sweden's three most important Bronze Age finds.
Unique silver coin depot found in world's toughest prison

Unique silver coin depot found in world's toughest prison

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Tasmania's Port Arthur Prison is notorious for its appalling conditions, strict rules and harsh sentences. Escape from the penal colony was virtually impossible. Convicts were not allowed to carry money. So how did a 180-year-old set of silver shillings end up on the floor of the prison workshop, and who buried it there?
Legendary Sitting Bull has a living great-grandson, identified by new DNA method

Legendary Sitting Bull has a living great-grandson, identified by new DNA method

51029 5
The University of Cambridge and the Danish Geo Genetics Center Lundbeck Foundation have jointly developed a brand new technique for analysing relationships through DNA. The study has now been used to identify the relationships of Sioux Chief Sitting Bull and his great-grandson Ernie Lapointe. The incredible story, which began with an interest in an unusual souvenir...
More than 300 ceramic vessels from the 4th century found in a Roman camp

More than 300 ceramic vessels from the 4th century found in a Roman camp

17086 1
The Viminacium deposit in eastern Serbia is huge and rich, and a complete exploration would take more than 300 years. The city was once inhabited by 30,000 people, larger than Pompeii. So far a considerable number of buildings and structures, statues, coins, jewellery, weapons and everyday objects have been found here. The most recent finds are hundreds of intact ceramic vessels in a building near the western wall of the military camp.

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