Articles of user GM4PRO


1,000-year-old graves of Scandinavian warriors found in Poland

1,000-year-old graves of Scandinavian warriors found in Poland

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Four richly furnished graves found in the middle of the medieval cemetery of the village of Ciepłe in eastern Poland contained the remains of Scandinavian men with complete armour. The furnishings and type of graves differed from all the others. The warriors have therefore raised many questions among archaeologists and historians, including who they were, why they are buried here and where they came from. The last question has only recently been answered by DNA analysis.
Since 1997, over 11,000 legally recognised metal detector treasures have been discovered in England

Since 1997, over 11,000 legally recognised metal detector treasures have been discovered in England

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The Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) has completed 20 years since its inception. The results include. A publicly accessible database of recovered artefacts, new archaeological sites and finds, which to date numbers nearly 1.5 million objects, a terrifyingtens of thousands of collaborating archaeologists across the country, hundreds of participating museums and institutions, and hundreds of thousands of collaborating members of the public, including tens of thousands of children.
The FBI helped recover nearly 4,000 unique ax coins

The FBI helped recover nearly 4,000 unique ax coins

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A collection of 3,990 "coins" from the period between 1200 and 1500 has been returned to Mexico. The pre-Columbian money belonged to an American private collector who acquired it at a Texas coin fair in the 1960s...
Public collection helped save Viking's most valuable treasure, finder gets 57 million

Public collection helped save Viking's most valuable treasure, finder gets 57 million

11494 15
A book could be written about Derek McLennan and his "Galloway" treasure. Three years ago, this Scottish good-natured sympathiser and great promoter of detector detecting found the so-called "Galloway". "Galloway Treasure"; the largest and most valuable silver and gold Viking set ever found in the islands. The deadline for raising funds to purchase the treasure is at the beginning of November. And so, as well as the great feeling of discovering national history, Derek can also be warmed by the reward that will land in his account in the next few days...
Experience with Golden Mask GM5 Finder after half a year of use

Experience with Golden Mask GM5 Finder after half a year of use

29016 21
I was looking forward to Golden Mask GM5 immensely. As the first reports and bits of information came in before the launch, the excitement grew more and more. And when the GM5 Finder finally arrived for my test, I fell in love with it at first sight: the slim modern design and sexy looks made an impression. But nothing is just about looks...
Contents of Galloway Viking treasure pot finally revealed!

Contents of Galloway Viking treasure pot finally revealed!

7810 19
Scottish detectorist Derek McLennan discovered a unique Viking treasure some time ago, consisting of many pieces of silver, gold and other artefacts, including a magnificent pot with previously hidden contents. However, that finally changed last week when the contents were finally removed and made public after being preserved by experts following previous scanning. What was hidden in the pot took the breath away from even the most experienced experts...
Forgotten World Natives from Bohemia - Tadeáš Haenke

Forgotten World Natives from Bohemia - Tadeáš Haenke

23644 14
On 5 December 1761, the former world scientist Thaddeus Haenke (full name Thaddäus Peregrinus Xaverius Haenke) was born in Chřibská, North Bohemia. Later he received a number of other surnames - e.g. Czech Humboldt for his immense scientific and discovery contribution as a world-class botanist, or Don Tadeo or also Tata Heanke from the South American Indians who recognized him as a philanthropist, physician and bread winner.

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