Articles of user Brumla

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The discovery of a 13th century tar works or settlement

The discovery of a 13th century tar works or settlement

6963 4
Tar-making belonged to the so-called forest crafts, along with coal mining, ash making, tar-making or even glassmaking. Their remains can be found here and there in the form of pottery fragments, pans or glass drops in forest streams or in clay scattered by animals. Or, as in this case, quite by chance when digging up another find.
I want to turn in my find

I want to turn in my find

45351 70
Each of us has at least once had a find that is special compared to the others. Age, material, quantity, context, location...the possibilities are many. But what now?
The Prehistoric World, Volume Two - Ordovik

The Prehistoric World, Volume Two - Ordovik

4378 5
In the last episode we introduced our oldest fossils from the Cambrian period, today we're going to introduceand some of the known sites where it can be found.
Dating of horse shoes

Dating of horse shoes

14421 18
Horseshoe, probably the most common iron find during forest expeditions. Most prospectors dig it up by mistake and then hang it on a tree or leave it on a stump. Yet these are some of the oldest objects commonly encountered during a search, and can be useful clues to understanding the site.
The Prehistoric World, Volume One-Cambrium

The Prehistoric World, Volume One-Cambrium

5700 19
Welcome to the first episode of Prehistoric World. In this series I will introduce the individual periods of the Protohistoric period and the most famous Czech sites where you can find the remains of the fauna and flora of that time.
Petrified Forest in East Bohemia

Petrified Forest in East Bohemia

8793 8
East Bohemia is not a very rich area paleontologically or even mineralogically. Nevertheless, there are places where you can find some remnants of prehistoric life or a nice stone. One such place is, for example, the Metuje river basin with its fossilised primordial wood-aracharites.
Finding of worked trunks in Hradec Králové

Finding of worked trunks in Hradec Králové

15507 15
In mid-October, builders discovered two worked oak trunks near the University Hospital in Hradec Králové, which probably represent unfinished monoxyles. If their prehistoric age is proven, this will be a find of pan-European significance.

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