Video: Detectorists on a club search found a treasure trove of Roman coins and silver bracelets

Categories: Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku

Two silver bracelets and a set of 83 Roman coins were found at Ribble Valley Farm. All the finds were made using metal detectors during a Saturday club event by the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Dectorists Club, whose popular member made a video of the event.

The silver Roman denarii and copper coins, along with the silver bracelets, date from between 50 and 300 AD. Well-known club member and sympathetic college teacher Dawn Chipchase, from Rochdale, described the find as a "detectorist's dream come true", adding that it will "rewrite Lancashire history". It was she who made the video in which Andrew Winter and Andy Bijsterbosch unearthed the first coins: 'I couldn't believe my eyes... We were all looking at the coins with absolute joy," she described the first moments of the find.

Ms Chipchase went on to say that the site of the find was until now "unknown for any Roman activity". According to club members and experts, it could be the largest Roman silver hoard in Lancashire to date. Club chairman John Ferguson and his colleagues have made a significant number of finds declared as treasure in the Ribble Valley area over the past few years.

The find has been passed to the PAS District Liaison Officer; after cleaning and conservation it will be assessed by the Coroner, then the value of the hoard determined and offered to museums for purchase. Members of the club, who meet on the first Tuesday of each month at the New Inn pub in Clitheroe, are looking forward to the results of the analysis and hope that their find will truly rewrite the history of the county...

As for the author of the video, her YouTube channel 'Digger Dawn' now has over 22,000 subscribers and she is also successful on social media. She has become known for creating quirky short videos and, last but not least, for promoting detector searches. She has even introduced a course in collaboration with a college and high school principal since last September, where those interested can learn how to use a detector and also operate responsibly in the field.

The course will give adults and students the opportunity to use the high-tech equipment and also offers support to individuals with learning disabilities. "It really is the most reassuring activity," Dawn explains. "It's like meditation, it helps reduce anxiety and stress, so I would recommend the course for that reason alone," she concludes.


Roman Nemec


A total of 83 silver and copper Roman coins were found

One of the coins found

Dawn is a popular teacher

Detector event by local society

The coins consisted of several types

Some of Digger Dawn's finds - a teacher and influencer in one person

The successful event also included two beautiful silver bracelets

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Díky za článek.Ale občas by si to chtělo před zveřejněním taky přečíst.Nahoře to jsou stříbrné náramky a dole už bronz ;-)

To Jiva: díky za upozornění. Podle fotky bych řekl jasně bronz, ale raději to ještě ověřím u Romana.

Jiva: Taky díky za upozornění, náramky jsou (i dle BBC a autorky videa na FB) opravdu stříbrné. Nevím jak se mi do popisku fotky připletlo slovo bronzové. Za chybu se omlouvám.

Pokud jde o čtení, bohužel nejsem takový borec, abych ze sebe vysypal článek bez přečtení. Ve skutečnosti to čtu třeba 10 x jako celek, nicméně jednotlivé odstavce i víckrát. Opakovaně text mažu a upravuju, dokud necítím, že je to jako celek vono. Pár hodin to nechám odležet a pak to kontroluju znova. I přes to se někdy stane chyba, jsem prostě jen nedokonalý člověk. :-)

GM4PRO-není zač.Sám bych stěží napsal nějaký článek.Jenom zrovna tohodle jsem si všimnul.Vím že jsou tu občas chyby a i kolikrát jiné fotky.Je to ale asi tím že jde o nějaký překlad článku ze zahraničí.Jenom i když jsem si tu poslední fotku zvětšil(mám jen mobil) tak mi to stejně jako Markovi přijde na bronz.Nedokanalí jsme všichni a to nás dělá takovými jaký jsme.Kdyby jsme byli dokonalí tak jsme všichni stejný :-D

... del fotyk jasný bronz je stříbro :) Jdu to opravit :)

Celkem normální chybu neudělá autor,ale zdroj.

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