Treasure of Štěchovice I.

Categories: Treasures

ŠTĚCHOVICKÝ POKLAD: Fiction or reality?

Apart from being the largest unexcavated historical collection on our territory, the so-called Štěchovice Treasure can also be described as a madness that has affected several generations in a row. This legend was created by the Nazis, who considered the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia a safe place from bombing.When the end of the war approached and they felt defeat was inevitable, they tried to move what they could onto our territory.


Memorials still recall how, in the last days of the war, prisoners of war loaded wooden crates brought by freight train onto trucks. However, everything was under strict supervision. Often several cars left from one place, some of which were empty, because of the confusion.Archives, art collections, simply everything of immense value to the Nazis, were kept in places where it is most difficult for a person to access. They chose, for example, hard-to-reach rocks in the woods, tunnels, etc.

obr2Among the searchers who tried to find the treasure were Helmut Gaensel and Josef Mužík. But again unsuccessfully. The former had already negotiated with the Czechoslovak authorities in 1968 to retrieve the treasure from Štěchovice. However, the arrival of the occupation armies liquidated all activities, Gaensel left Czechoslovakia, and for some time he worked as a double agent of two states. In South America, he searches for Nazi prominents who have fled Germany. Gaensel believes that the treasure of Stekhovitz may even contain..:

Scientific knowledge, secret weapons. For example, a disc-shaped plane that was supposedly developed at Avia Čakovice. Its components were supposedly manufactured in a secret factory in Luki pod Medníkem. What could be interesting even six decades after the war is the way this aircraft was propelled. According to some speculation, the Germans tried to use antigravity to propel it, which we cannot prove to this day. There is also talk of experiments with antimatter - the Germans supposedly wanted to develop a kind of "death ray" based on this principle. In Prostějov, the Wichterle and Kovařík company worked on the acoustic rocket project - these documents can also be found here. Of course, there may also be gold, artwork or even passwords to Nazi accounts in Swiss banks.

obr3The second tireless searcher is Josef Mužík, who has published a book trilogy about the Štěchovice treasure. Even though his research has been going on for almost twenty years, he has not given up and even claims:
"After so many years of constant research, digging in archives and interviewing new witnesses, I am sure that there are seven repositories in the area around Hradištko. The contents of four of them have been removed by the Ministry of the Interior and the remaining three have yet to be investigated."

Despite the fact that he has not been able to find the Stekhovik treasure, it cannot be said that perhaps his search has been unsuccessful. For example. In Třepšín he found four boxes of printed material containing deposit books from Peenemunde, from Usedom, that is, from northern Germany, from the Baltic, where research on the V-1 and V-2 rockets was being carried out, where Werner von Braun was, and so on. It is interesting to note that these deposit books contained from two hundred thousand Reichsmarks upwards, that is to say, they were not losers. Consider that all the tunnels were seized for the production of components for secret weapons, consider that at Hradiště near Mednía huge firing range was built to serve as a polygon or test facility for these missiles. When they investigated further, they also discovered that this firing range was nothing more than a launching base for the missiles. There are even drawings of these rockets still in the trees, with flames shooting out of them, which shows that the Germans wanted to use this base to launch rockets."


This is just a snippet of what has been found due to the "madness" caused by the legend of the Shchovice treasure. All research is often dependent on sponsors. The Šlemín gorge, where the treasure is supposed to be located, is about a kilometer long, and the interesting section in Dušno is about have to search on both sides, so multiply that by two, and you're looking in a strip tens of metres wide. It's literally like looking for a needle in a haystack. And there's constant speculation about what the treasure was supposed to be hiding. Although there is testimony of wooden crates being moved, we can only guess at what was inside. It's very likely that the rest of Frank's archive is hidden in the Dusno Gorge. The 540 crates of treasures of the Third Reich, which were originally supposed to follow the Berlin-Madrid-Argentina route, are also said to have ended up at Štěchovice. Due to the fast pace of events at the end of the war, the Nazis had to look for another solution, and that was to be the Central Bohemian underground.

obr5According to whispers in search circles, the original Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty was supposed to be hidden here, and if we push to the furthest threshold of fantasy, the famous Amber Chamber could be waiting for the discoverer. The last trace of it is said to have disappeared in April 1945, when it left Weimar on lorries, dismantled and crated.
It's incredible how far the human imagination reaches. Many historians, however, are sceptical of this question, and with good reason. In the 1950s, the treasure was sought by the Interior Ministry with all its instruments, where else but in Štěchovice. However, as you can guess, unsuccessfully....

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Já si myslím , že to hned po válce odvezli Amíci nebo Rusové a že je to dobře někde zakonzervovaný a hezky schovaný v depozitech nebo soukromejch sbírkách . Ale to je jen můj osobní názor :)

Přikláním se k názoru že to mají amící.Přeci jenom od tam tud něco odvezli.

Dosti zajímavé téma na dlouhé psaní a povídání.Oba pány jsem měl tu čest poznat osobně kde jinde nežli ve Štěchovickém okolí ale i na Svaté Kateřině a v jinejch velmi hezkejch lokalitách.Něco málo materiálu a výsledky zaměření různejch oblastí z rozboru který nechala dělat starostka Štěchovic a správa povodí po povodních 2002 kdy byly vyplaveny zajímavé předměty včetně podvodního průzkumu dna přehrady mám, sice jen v kopiích a to ještě neúplných ale závěr se z toho dá udělat.

a kdopak asi financoval výzkum Mužíka a jeho týmu?Je to jenom mlžení,co tu zbylo,to sbalili amíci a paběrky odvezli rusáci-letiště Kbely,a mraky dalších lokalit

Pane Mužík, to co držíte v ruce jsou lidské ostatky, nikoliv ten váš vysněný zlatý mamon, poklad nebo snad stará flinta. Tímto jste nám všem slušným hledačům historie ukázal kam až hodláte zajít. Pán Bůch s vámi jestli takhle někdo bude vystavovat vaše stehenní kosti..... Jste mi nesympatický a kazíte dobré jméno všem hledačům.

Mladá Fronta rok 1963 článek v příloze se píše že někde na Śumavě partyzáni přepadli Německou kolonu aut kterou postřílela která převážela bedny v bodě A

byli plné bodě B je vyložila bodě C byla prázdná .Tu vesnici jsem zapomněl.Jednalo se o cirka as,10 nakladních aut

znám člověka který na pokladu pracoval pro naši zem dost to hodně dlouhé,zajímavé téma a i dnes je to dost choulostivé téma z důvodů že o poklad má zájem dost zemí!!!!!PS: nic není horké tak jak se to vaří ALE !!!!

zajímalo by mě kolik úsilí vynaložil pan mužík při hledání svého synovce Ládi Mužíka ze Staré Huťe který se ako chlapec ztratil při povodni v srpnu 2002 a dodnes nebyl nalezen. :-( :-(každý má ty priority jinak nastavené

Víte o tom,že ve Štěchovickém lese byl koncentrák.A kdo věděl o pokladu tak byl zastřelen. A že o pokladu vědělo jen 7 němců a ze žije jen jeden a to v Argentíně.

Zdravím, Vás měl jsem tu čest v roce 1989 ve Štechovicích asistovat při hledání pokladu společně s ministerstvem obrany.
Strávil jsem ve Štechovicích zajímavé 3 měsíce a nebýt revoluce snad se i něco našlo. No a řeknu Vám něco na tom bude bo kolem toho už tenkrát byl dost velký poprask a daňové poplatníky to stálo nemalé peníze. Teď je otázka jestli už je vše vyzvednuto a jen se to dalším hledáním zamlžuje a živí se legenda. Nebo opravdu tam poklad stále je. Na druhé straně dnes při možnostech laserů, počítačů, chytrých telefonů a ostatních vymožeností chodí někteří hledači s lopatkou a detektorem kovů .... to je trošku směšné a komické. Pokud by opravdu ty indicie byly, že jsou tam ukryté tak důležité informace tak si myslím, že by se nějaká miliarda našla a určitě by se to už vyzvedlo. 8-) Tož se mějte snad se toho i já dožiju a dočkám se toho, že jsem tam netrávil 3 měsíce zbytečně. Zelepukin

Zdravím, k tomu celému, ví se kupříkladu, že soutok navštívila v roce 1944 německá ponorka? Copak asi přivezla nebo odvezla? Nezávisle byla viděna v noci na hladině několika lidmi.

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