Treasure Hunter Archive
Categories: Treasure Hunters and Archeo Treasure Hunters 2010 events
If you hover your mouse cursor over the first tab from the left on your PC, you will see a menu where you will find the "Section overview" item and the archive of articles is hidden under it. The headings are sorted by topic. However, older articles may not yet be categorized under each heading (we have categorized about 3 years), then you need to use the full-text search box.
There we now use Google results, which is not entirely comfortable, but this will change during March. Gradually (first on the e-shop) we will deploy our own full text search. This will work both in the LP archive and on the history hunters. And we think you will like it very much :).
If anyone would like to participate in testing the new full text, feel free to post here in the chat. When we deploy the first version on the "local" I can send you the link so you have a chance to test it before we deploy the live version on the web.
Cursor on home and the menu will open
Articles are in categories, or you can use the full text box (so far with Google)
Articles are further sorted into subcategories
Articles are further sorted into subcategories
The article is included in categories: