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They got millions of pounds for the biggest hoard of coins
Categories: Treasures , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku
A multi-million pound reward has finally been reaped by a pair of metal detectorists who discovered the largest Celtic coin hoard of all time in Jersey in 2012. The hoard eventually contained nearly 70,000 coins.
The pair of metal detectorists - Reg Mead (79) and Richard Miles (58) - set a world record for the number of Iron Age coins discovered. But it wasn't until nine years after the discovery that they finally reaped their reward
They searched for over thirty years in various fields on the island of Jersey before they managed to discover the depot. They spent hours and hours together. They discovered a total of 61 copper and silver coins on a gloomy day in February. A crane was called to the site and later picked up 70,000 coins weighing about one ton.
We wrote more about it here: Thirty years in one field with no special find, then a bolt from the blue!
Only now, after nine years of negotiations between the Jersey Government and the British Crown, have Reg and Richard seen their reward after a sum of £4.25 million was agreed for the coins to be left on the island. Because Jersey legislation has no regard for significant treasure finds, the haul was automatically transferred to the Queen's ownership as soon as it was found. Since 2012, all parties concerned have been arguing over the value of the treasure.
How much of that sum the searchers will receive remains a mystery. But it will be several million pounds. It has only been disclosed that of the £4.25 million, £250,000 will go to Jersey Heritage for the work to retrieve the coins, other funds will then go towards other work associated with the treasure and some will go to the owner of the land on which the treasure was found.
Reg Mead and Richard Miles went to the site after receiving a tip-off from a woman in the 1980s who said she had spotted what looked like silver buttons in a field. Eventually, 69,347 coins dating from Armorica, now Brittany and Normandy, were found under a hedge in a pile of dirt in Grouville.
Historians believe that the 2,000-year-old coins were buried in a ditch dug by a Celtic tribe that fled the rapidly advancing legions of Julius Caesar in the first century BC.
The searchers were slowly losing hope of a reward. It was literally a nightmare at times. They're happy with the reward.
"We're a little upset. It has nothing to do with money, but it just took too long to come to an agreement. We were stumbling all over the place for the treasure, to put it popularly. The agreement on the future of the treasure is the best Christmas present we could have," said Reg Mead.
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Treasures
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad > Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku
to jo u nás by to rozhodli v podstatě hned-dostanete akorát tak kulový
by mně zajímalo jestli těm chlapíkům bylo 79 a 58 v době nálezu a nebo teď když dostali tu odměnu
Vzhedem k jejich věku to natahujou jak můžou loner jinak stim rozhodnutim unás si mě dostal
Ta první fotka je nějaká divná jsou tam mince o 150 let mladší než v pokladu
Ale co ,taky stříbro
9 let je dlouhá doba možná to už nékdo upravil
Tak hoši na to nemáme hůlky, vole to je hloubka jako prase, to zase bude nějaká KACHNA, to nás zase někdo tahá asi za nos.
No a odměna u nás??? 200 000,- pokuta a podmínka na 5 let nebo tři roky natvrdo,
Ty denáry tam nemaj co dělat.
Já jsem jednou odevzdal dva granáty a dostal jsem od orgána čoud, že do toho lesa nemám chodit, že je tam je munice na každém metru.... A mám tam zákaz .....a jsou tam i metály a já tam nemůžu
To se bude orgán divit až to tam místo tebe budou ze země tahat děti. Bezpečnost nadevše. . U nás pyroušové trénují na odstřelování stromů v NP Tam u vás by to asi dávalo větší smysl já už se ničemu nedivím Fakt blázinec