To by šlo!
Storm and Tornado for X-Terra metal detectors
Categories: Minelab – tests and reviews , X-Terra series metal detectors , Testy cívek pro detektory kovů Minelab
For the tests we took the "middle" Terka 505, hopefully the result will be more telling for the whole X-terra range. The probes tested were Storm, Tornado and Hunter all at 18.75 kHz. We first ran the polygon with the 26 cm 2D 7.5 kHz baseline probe. I've had the readings here with this coil for a long time, but for the sake of clarity we went through it again. The detector was set up all the time: Sensitivity 18, treshold at the edge of audibility, precisely tuned ground, All Metal mode and audio on 3 tones.
The results of the 26 cm 2D base probe are not bad, 1 kcs correctly identified at depths of 20, 25 and 30 cm. The 2h RU could be detected accurately down to 20 cm depth. The same coin at 25 was "seen" by the detector but only as an iron target. The detector did not see the 4 of 25.
I started testing the Storm probe in the same setup. The Storm is a 36x33 cm 2D probe weighing 690g. When debugging, I made sure the probe was accurately aligned a bit more to the "plus" than the basic 2D chko. Then came a bit more than a surprise as we passed the whole polygon without any problem. The probe took all targets literally without losing a flower. This was quite a challenge, so we went to the car to get a spade and placed 1 kcs even deeper into the 40 cm. The detector was already taking this target at the border. The crown was not jumping into the iron, but it was a shuffle. If I had been walking a normal gait I probably would have crossed it. If I was tracking something or had headphones on, I would definitely dig. We had so much fun for a while by just free walking up to the polygon and testing what could be taken with the walk and what couldn't. The 40 was really on the edge, but it didn't go into the irons.
Then we tested the Tornado and Hunter. The results of both probes were exactly the same. Before the test I would have expected the Tornado to go deeper, which is possible for some larger targets, but for coins the results were exactly the same. Both probes identified all the targets on the polygon without any problem, only the 40k 1cs they did not know about. Even though the Hunter is narrower the separation properties were very similar. We were testing a fairly large piece of iron and the coin we had to identify was 20 cm deep. This is a very tough nut for a detector to crack, with the iron basically on the surface and the paint much deeper. We got about 10 cm between the objects. So the target could still be picked up at a slow walking pace. For some, that may not seem like enough, 10 cm... but for many detectors, it's a pipe dream if the targets are placed in that configuration.
In conclusion, I can only say that it was about time that such a popular line of detectors got some hilarious additional probes. Personally I would probably vote for the Storm, the response over the targets was incredibly convincing and loud. The probe, although 36x33 cm in size, retains very decent separation properties. But many others may find the choice of a smaller probe more interesting. I'm sure these probes will push your Terka forward nicely though, so there is a lot to look forward to.
1 kcs 20 cm | 1 pc 25 cm | 1 pc 30 cm | 1 kcs 35 cm | 1 kčs 40 cm | 2h RU 10 cm | 2h RU 15 cm | 2h RU 20 | 2h RU 25 | 4 mesh 25 cm | |
26cm 2D Minelab 7,5kHz | Yes pure | Yes clear | Yes weak | No | No | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes weak | No | No |
Hunter 2D 31x22 cm 18,75 kHz | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes clear |
Yes |
No | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes weak | Yes weak - single-unit |
Tornado 2D 33x30 cm 18,75 kHz | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes | No | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes weak | Yes weak one-sided |
Storm 2D 36x33 cm 18,75 kHz | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes weak | Yes clean | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes clear | Yes |
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > X-Terra series metal detectors
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > Testy cívek pro detektory kovů Minelab
Hmm, zajímavé info. Plánujete udělat stejný test i na E-Tracu?
jdou tyhle cívky i na nové typy terrek?
Další testy určitě budou, ale tak za cca. 14 dní. Sondy jsou na všechny detektory řady X-Terra bez ohledů na stáří s vyjímkou X-Terra 30, která neměla pracovní frekvenci 18,75 kHz
Takže toto už asi neplatí : U detektorů vyrobených od září, ale již použít nejde. Minelab se úspěšně tomuto druhovýrobci brání (citace z listopadu 2012).
Tak mi kluci na odpoledne jednoho storma pripravte.
Test se mi libi a kolega chce novy detik, tak se alespon svezu a rad vas uvidim.
... hodně zajímavý testík Ještě by mě zajímalo subjektivní hodnocení vyváženosti či váhy detíku se sondou Storm v prorovnání s 26 cm DD cívkou. Díky
Skuder: dorazí :)
MarekFox: subjektivně, je to větší koláč a tak je ten pohyb přecijenom takový rozvážnější. Ale normálně choditelná sonda i do lesa. Ostatně všechny teesty jsou v lese dělané :)
jak dopadnou sondy na Safari? bude posun? nebude posun? kdo ví
Mezitaz: včera jsem dotočili instruktážní DVD pro Safari a test sond určitě dělat budeme. Se sondou Ultimate 33 cm byl posun docela značný, to se již testovalo. Řekl bych, že pro ty Minelabácké multifrekvence je to nejlepší volba
jooo super, jak bude hned objednávám, a tu ultimátku mám a je to znát
Zajímavé Pěkně zpracovaný testík.
bude to dvd k mání v ořechově, pro případ že bych se dostavil
To Mexiaz: DVD vezmu, raději větší počet :)
Tak jsem se stormem nachodil cca 8 hodin, ze zacatku jsem chvilku bojoval s nastavenim citlivosti kvuli prozvukum, na terce 705 jsem musel na nastaveni mezi 22-25. S tkzv. botickou jsem mel citlivost kolem 28-29. Kopani klasickou lopatkou jsem musel vzdat, jelikoz hloubka do jake tahle sonda jde je opravdu na maly bagr. Vyvazeni detektoru a vaha je v norme a necha se chodit i delsi dobu bez bolesti rukou. Separace je uchazejici akorat ty nalezy na jiz prochozenem miste uz nebyly takove. Za me slusna civka, dobre zpracovani u ouska. Mohu jen doporucit.
Kamarád ji zkoušel a vadila mu dost nestabilita, tak taky snižoval citlivost. Ale jestli má i při snížené citlivosti slušný dosah, tak to snad nevadí. Chystají se tyto verze i pro jiné detíky, konkrétně třeba pro Whites?
A proč se volila pro test 505ka? Nějaký úmysl, anebo vychází 305-705 výkonově shodně?