19. 9. 2014 Calendary

Sep 19, 2014 For a million dollar treasure 40 thousand

Categories: Treasures , Calendar

They found silver coins worth CZK 1.5 million, but they only received a CZK 20 000 reward from the regional authority. Zdeněk Matějka and his colleague discovered the treasure near Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. They were expecting a higher find.

They weren't legally entitled to the finders' fee, they didn't have to get anything at all. "We approved that each of the finders would receive 20,000 crowns as a gift. According to legal analyses, it was not possible to grant a reward according to the law. However, both men behaved exemplarily and thanks to them a treasure of exceptional historical value came to light," explained the then regional councillor Jiří Němec.

According to the historian of the South Moravian Museum Jiří Kacetl, the coin dates back to the reign of Emperor and King Franz Joseph I from the mid-19th century until 1915. It is a quite exceptional find in terms of the number of mintages found. In total, there were five thousand coins.

"Last time in 1978, the museum recorded the discovery of more than a thousand pennies and groschen coins dating from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. They come from Chvalatice," Kacetl noted.

Matějka was pleased with the smaller gift. He and his friend no longer believed they would get anything. "Twenty thousand is better than nothing. No one has officially let us know yet, the officials were still waiting for the outcome of the approval procedures," Matějka said at the time.

The coins were found about half a meter underground. According to experts, they were probably hidden by someone before the First World War. However, he probably lost his life during the war or had to flee quickly and did not have time to return for the treasure. After the war, he may have sold the coins because they contained a high percentage of silver.

More about the treasure: The Three Kings Treasure of Silver Coins

It was the find of a lifetime for Matějka and his friend. They had been searching together for a long time, but they found at most two coins a day, and most of them were completely worthless.

Forty kilos of Austro-Hungarian gold coins, crowns, two crowns and five crowns from the time of Emperor Franz Joseph I were discovered at the beginning of 2014 near Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou.

Sources: www.ceskatelevize.cz, www.denik.cz, www.znoj-tyden.cz

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Dvě mince za den?Po tom poli lítali jak Širóni,tři dny.Vždycky v rohu u větrolamu,že Matějka? Vím,jezdili jsme kolem a hledali lokalitu.Šli jsme stejný pole,jen z druhé strany.Jak nás uviděli změnili rychle směr a zmizli.Museli tam nacházet rozorané,a měli obavy že jim lupnem kořist.Články kolem nálezových okolností jsou snůška keců.Ostatně jako vždy při objevení depotů.

To je motyvace že bich bli.

To je v prdeli, nikomu kdo neodevzdá se fakt nedivím. I když nejde o prachy, tak člověk chce nějak odměnit, ale při takovýmto množství a hodnotě je to úřednickej flusanec do xichtu....
Možná lepší nic takovýho nenajít, ať se to v čloěku pak nerve, já jsem ve znamení vah, já mám někdy problém, jestli pojedu doleva nebo doprava.... (o tom, jestli půjdu zítra do lesa nebo na pole.... tak to zjistím asi až ráno v autě.:-DDD)

Marky Mark už podle přezdívky vidím, že máš problém se schizofrenií.:-DDD

Wladyslav,ano,jsou to oni.

"Čekali vyšší nálezné." - o kolik vyšší?? - kolik miliónů by měl nálezce dostat, aby byl konečně spokojen??
- pak tedy nerozumím tomu, proč to ti dva odevzdali


Vážení tak mince které hledači nalezli údajně začali prodávat až se na to přišlo tak mince byly vzaty pracovníky Jihomoravským krajem do Brna a Brno tyto mince PRODALO muzeu do Znojma . Po jejich očištění jsou vystaveny ve Znojemském muzeu .Nakonec oba hledači dostali po 20.000 Kč.

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