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Searching a little differently, under the sea
Categories: Detektory Nokta Pulse Dive
This spring my dear half asked me again if I would go to the seaside with her and my son. For several years I had been spared this unpopular activity, going with my grandmother and sister. This year they couldn't make it, so as the head of the family I couldn't stay home.
My wife had already ruled out in advance destinations where you have to wear veils (we're not suicidal in the heat)
and places where they drape themselves strangely and wake up a decent person at night by shouting from the lookout tower...
Bulgaria was chosen. None of us have been there yet, so let's see what it's like...
But for me the most important question was... what will I do there? Sure...some kind of excursion, a water park at the hotel, activities at the hotel, swimming in the sea... But something was missing... SEARCHING! Being ignorant of the languages and local conditions, I didn't dare take my favorite Nox, lest it be confiscated, broken, stolen...
Then luckily I saw an article here about an underwater detector Nokta - Makro Pulsedive Pointer for use when snorkeling. I'm saved! According to the description it was simple, just for me.
For motivation and familiarization I started watching videos on YT with this type of search. It was immediately clear that I would come back a millionaire, or at least festooned with gold like Peter Z., local expert
on the beaches, in each video they were able to find several pieces of precious metals in a single dive. I even fooled my wife, who was starting to panic about how we were going to get it all back, if we had to clear it, where we were going to hide it... :-D
After an agreement on LP, this miraculous machine for pulling gold from the sea was lent to me...
A little fear of transport remained, but in the end it was fine. It had to be transported as electronics with a battery in the on-board luggage. Inspected, after the announcement of what it actually is, on the Czech side just a shrug, in Bulgaria just a question with a smile how much gold I found...
Already at home I practiced according to the instructions the operation and settings. Simple - three buttons do everything.
The first dive of about half an hour on the test was accompanied by uncertainty and fear of disappointment... But it was fine. The sun continued to shine nicely through the water after 7pm, it was warm, not many people were around anymore. And I found the first coin... It will work... The next day was planned to be a full day at the beach. In the morning the sea was like a mirror, still few people, I won't have to wander among the crowds. I hadn't been up against the beach for a while. Then I had the idea to try it at the pier where the cruise ships were leaving...the harvest came! Whether the people around the pier were losing coins or tossing them for luck, I don't know, but they made me happy. The first search took about 1.5 hours and over twenty coins and no mess! I don't experience that in the field... I go back underwater to the deckchair, enjoy the ovation from the family... then still near the shore signalI... I brush away the sand with my hand and some yellow wires... I reach for it... GOLDEN EARRINGS! It's here, the gold is lying around!
More prospecting like this. Weakness at the beach, occasional coins, although there were crowds of people swimming, but I guess they didn't lose anything... Lots of coins at the pier again. Occasionally some people cheered me on from there, asking what I found...
So far, the search has been to a maximum depth of one meter, where I could reach from the surface. For deeper depths I made a French stick attachment at home and increased the range :-D There were surprisingly more finds at deeper depths than in the shallows. On one search I even found the first underwater DEPOT recorded here! Five coins had apparently fallen out of the swimsuit, so actually scattered
:-D It was harder to trace at deeper depths, I had to use a scoop and I could only manage a maximum of three attempts to trace and scoop per dive. In the waves, which were always made in the afternoon, everything was even more difficult because I was tossed around by them from the find. Where I could no longer reach the bottom with my feet, it was impossible to trace, I almost drowned as the waves watered my snorkel and tossed me around...
With the attachment, it was possible to search the beach as with a conventional detector. There was an elderly local hunter, a lifeguard by day, with an even older detector. My son found a few coins around the sunbeds, bigger denominations than me in the sea.
I met one of my colleagues in the water too. I talked to him with my hands... he didn't find anything, he had just a simple tracker without a coil, so minimal coverage, almost no chance...
In the end I enjoyed my holiday as a prospector... The coins we found were local (we put them back into circulation), Romanian, Ukrainian, Albanian, Russian, Euro cents, the long-searched Armenian and I was amused by the Czech 20. I also found a leg biza, underwater it looked like gold, so nerves :-D
The range of the 14cm diameter Nokta was six centimetres for the smallest coin at 16mm,
at 22mm a respectable eleven. With the larger 20 cm diameter coil it would probably be bigger, and the reach, but probably worse trackingbut that could probably be trained... More precise localization can be done with just the edge of the coil, perpendicular.
Signaling by sound and vibration also beautifully noticeable underwater.
I think that in a year I will not do such expensive things and will go again. I'll take this machine again
and take a chance on Nox and underwater headphones...that will be more gold for sure :-D
HUNTING FOR FREE, on land and underwater...
SirMaik - Michal
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Nokta - Reviews and tests > Detektory Nokta Pulse Dive
Tvl Michale, že to za tebe psala žena ?
Lukáši...já sám...to nevíš že mám umělecké střevo?
Manželka jen kontrolovala chyby
A video samozřejmě bude...
Tak to klobouk dolů , já neumím pořádně napsat ani seznam na nákup
Byli jsme tam před měsícem a taky jsem měl cukání vzít sebou vercajk. Nakonec jsem vyměkl. 🤦
Super Já bral pokaždý detik sebou na dovolenou i letos ale pokaždý jsem našel jen velký h..... :D
Pred asi týždňom som si bol tiež zahľadať s Noktov pod hladinu , no to bola paráda čistá priezračná voda skoro bez bordelu a skoro na každom metri nejaká minca spolu za 2 dni som z vody vytiahol asi 130 mincí ( 97ks SK koruny + 22,57€) , 3 náušnice , 3 prstene a 1 AG náhrdelník
Nač abstinovat že?
Měl sis prodloužit šnorchl hadicí od vysavače a na nohu uvázat kouli.
Zajímavý počtení a zážitky, takhle má vypadat akční dovolená.
Pěkný a super zážitek. Nic ve zlém - ale jen snad...mne tenhle typ hledání (asi tedy ne pod vodou, někde u mola) nějak nejde pod fousy. Přijde mi úplně trapný chodit s metlou na plážích...dokonce mezi lidma a tahat co tam kdo ztratil...vlastní zážitek ze Španěl, kdy chlapík vytáhl dva náramky a nějaké drobné přímo vedle ležících lidí na dece...a zamozřejmě okamžitě mizel. Aniž by se kohokoli zeptal. Což určitě tedy není tvůj případ. Ale bylo to na hovno. Všichni jsme koukali jako blázni. Občas po nějaké akci u nás na koupáku zajdu prohledat co kdo potratil a vesměs vše co najdu hodím pak na obec. Oni pak pustí info do rozhlasu a lidi si chodí. Hodně řetízků, snubáků a dětských věcí si znova našlo majitele. Už dvakráte jsme vyhmátli dva čuromrdány co se na to vysloveně zaměřují...počkají na obecní akci a za dva dny šli na věc...Někdy se divým, když se tady někdo chlubí snubákem nebo svatebním prstenem i se jménem a datumem. Ale znovu - nic ve zlém a lovu zdar .
GumaLee mezi davy lidí bych to asi taky nedal... ale když lidi odejdou najít pár ztracených mincí, proč ne... i u nás hledáme věci ztracené, vyhozené, schované... snubní prsten s celým jménem mám taky, ale nedohledal jsem majitele...německý voják z války, to už prostě nejde...
video z akce
Dobrý video, ten písek je dobrej, v Chorvatku z těch kamínku by se to hůř dostávalo.
Zdravím kolegové. Jak je to s tímto detektorem v Polsku u Baltu- Kolobřeh?? Děkuji za odpověď....
Karpaso...asi v pohodě...pod vodou té nikdo nevidí 😉
Jinak v Polsku je spousta hledačských skupin, tak se tam asi dá...
V Polsku na plážích nevím, ve vnitrozemí velice opatrně co jsem se informoval přímo od Poláku pokud někdo zavolá policii tak zabavenej detektor, mastná pokuta a i prej i zadržení a možnost nějakého soudu.Proto Poláci jezdí hledat k nám, u nich je možnost pouze registrovaní hledači, svolá se nějaká nahlášená hledací akce na konkrétní lokalitě a na tu dohlíží nějakej dozor, všechny nálezy odevzdají.I majitel pozemku a polí Polskej hledač mě tvrdil že na svým chodí jenom za tmy a ještě má strach.Několikrát jsem hledal na naší straně hranice a smutně koukal do bývalého Reichu na ty lokality , ale nerisknul jsem to.