Pamatuju se ještě když jste je prodávali :) a taky jsem se byl na jedno ,, Lobo,, podívat v době když jsem chtěl přejít na Tesoro.Když ho kolega zapl,postrašilo mě že bylo děsně ukňourané a to mě odradilo a koupil sem v té době Tejón jako Tesoráckou výkonovou a hloubkovou dvojku Teď když ale po těch letech vidím ty výkony(hloubky),tak to byl po 9 letech s Tejonem impuls přejít na EQ Byla to krásná doba ale holt už je překonaná
Return to prehistory - Powermaxx II Laser
Categories: Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests
In today's episode I got my hands on a detector from Laser brand, which is relatively rarely seen in our country. Unfortunately, I had the detector only for repair so logically only the unit including the probe came and we had to improvisationally switch the detector to a non-original rod.
As everyone who had dealt with older detectors before noticed by the familiar box of electronics from the Lobo model, it is a product of the then world famous brand Tesoro.
However, in this case, as in the case of the Troy detectors, it is not a kind of ousourcing of production by a large manufacturer with a considerablebut a kind of creation of a new pararel brand on the same basis and technology for a specific market.
Why all this?
In general, as in the case of Opel, for example, which was renamed Vauxhall in Britain, the British have not shown sufficient willingness to buy something that is not British enough and for this reason, also at the request of the British distributor of Tesoro, a new brand of Laser detectors was created for the UK market. And it was not just one detector, but a redesign of almost the whole product line which at that time Tesoro had also in different variations of boxes, which is for example the example of this detector, where thanks to this e.g. 1/2 of the PCB area remained completely empty. The probes were of course 100% compatible with the Tesoro probes.
Unfortunately, I could only find very little information about this particular detector apart from photos, but I did manage to find out a few things while servicing the detector.
- It is a classic Tesoro design for a 5pin probe (Silver umax,cortes,Eurosabre etc.)
- Operating frequency 10kHz
- Power supply 8*AA
- I can only estimate the date of market launch to be around the year 2000
- As this is a really simple detector the B2 version has only the bare essentials of sensitivity,discrimination and AM/disc/retune switch.
I was able to trace that the Laser powermaxII detector was available in 3 versions as B1,B2,B3 (I was unable to find out the difference between B3 and B2 besides the layout of the controls).
Anyway, our B2 version is based on the B1 model, where our version is not equipped with the ground tuning potentiometer and the switch between manual and fixed ground. There are even already drilled holes on the front panel, there is even a printed sticker on the control panel, but the place for installing the controls is covered with plastic plugs.
Note:by supplying and correctly wiring the potentiometer and switch, the detector could easily be upgraded to a higher model.
There was a British analogy for the Tesoro DeLeon model, under the name hawkeye. The only upgrade from the original model was the addition of an LCD backlight like the Cortes model.
Laser detectors were even sold for some time on hunter (photo from 2008)
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Je zajímavé, jak všichni výrobci detektorů postupně přešli z koncentrik na 2D cívky. Dnes už detektor s koncentrickou cívkou nekoupíš.
Obi- koupíš, (Minelab go-find a Nokta Mini/Midi hoard) ale máš pravdu že už skoro vymřeli.
Z hlediska periodizace historie se v tomto případě jedná spíše o renesanci než o pravěk.
A já se tak těšil
Super video
Namore,máš recht,tohle ale opravdu není pravěk Vždyť tyhle typy strojů(Laser-Tesoro) a jiné byly ještě tuším(kdy přišel EQ?) do roku 2018 špičkové analogy :) Pamatuju ty reklamy u mého oblíbeného Tesora,Lobo Tejon Cortéz byly přece špičkové analogy Do té doby jsem třeba digitály úplně přehlížel a pak to vše pobil EQ. A s příchodem vícefrekvenčáků i jiné značky 😀
Jinak tu koncentriku jsem zaži asi 2 roky na Silvru uMax,nebyly špatné ale hloubka pokulhávala zato separace byla supr.Já už Tejóna kupoval se základní koncentrikou,ta se v hloubce taky moc nevyznamenala,až střední SEFka z něho udělala schopný vysavač.
Namor- pristi dil myslim bude masina z r.1993.
BTW neni to zadna sranda sehnat 30let starej detektor v mechanicky a technicky funkcnim /opravitelnem stavu.Je jich do dnesnich dnu dochovanych bohuzel jak vavrinu…
Toto byla spis takova zajimavost z historie Tesora.
Varim brambory na vecu a pletu si safran s vavrinem
tak hlavně ať se ti nerozvaří
peponator - no jasně
Vzhledem k tomu, že je Marek starý, ostřílený kozák s praxí cca 25 let vlastně představuje budoucnost a ne pravěk.