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Rare Gold Sovereign
Categories: Minting - Numismatics , Finds and rescue research abroad , Minelab Equinox 800 and 600 metal detector , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku
Truck driver Sean Sandercock (38) found a rare gold coin with a Minelab Equinox 800 metal detector. He discovered a sovereign from the reign of Henry VIII. Its value is estimated by experts at £2,000. For the finder, it is said to be the "holy grail" in hyperbole.
The gold coin was found by a father of two during an organised search with metal detectors in Devon, south-west England. Near an old abbey, but the specific location remains a mystery. Sean Sandercock plans to sell the coin to the highest bidder. The money raised will pay for a holiday for his family. So far, interest has been huge, with the gold coin attracting collectors across the UK.
The Sovereign is a truly prestigious coin. It was minted during the reign of Henry VII. Tudor, who is described as its "father". He took a very sober approach to finance. For example, he opened the State Bank, which went bankrupt because it was defrauded by Edward IV's wife. The obverse of the sovereign always depicts the currently reigning monarch, which is actually the origin of the coin's name, sovereign. On the other side is the royal coat of arms and a double Tudor rose. This coin was also subsequently minted by Henry VIII. However, over time, he changed its weight and face value.
It was Sandercock who found a coin minted in the time of Henry VIII. "I feel like I've hit the jackpot. On social media, people from across the UK commented on the news of the find. Everyone wants to know about the sovereign," rejoices Sandercock, who is a member of the Ax Valley Searchers.
In the first fortnight, when he started searching with metal detectors, he managed to find several rare items. For example, a gold ring that someone lost sixteen years ago. "I also found an 800-year-old silver belt buckle. According to the experts, it probably belonged to a member of the royal family. I was really lucky. I've had friends tell me they've been searching with metal detectors for forty and haven't found anything like it," Sandercock added.
He was introduced to treasure hunting by a friend who has been doing it for years. The moment Sandercock found his first coin, he completely fell into the hobby. "It's an indescribable feeling when you hold a coin in your hand and start to wonder who it belonged to and what its life was like," says the prospector, who mainly goes out into the field on weekends. He's out for nine hours with a metal detector.
The organised search where he found the gold sovereign takes place once a month. Any artefacts found that are worth more than £500 are sold. The amount is split between the finder and the owner of the land on which the "treasure" was found.
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Minting - Numismatics
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > Minelab Equinox 800 and 600 metal detector
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad > Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku
Klidně bych řekl, že měl před tím XPčko. EQ čko je stále nová mašina. Taky když vezmu kolik různých triček jsme už rozdali bez ohledu na to kdo a s čím chodí. Alespoň se tyto dva věční rivalové nemusí hádat .
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Podle toho úsměvu se s noxem vyfotil pouze z legrace
Já ho poznal, je to pitivijér
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Dělám tvrdej byznys v Praze,tak bych vám mohl vyprávět čeho jsou lidi všeho schopný udělat pro peníze a top Know-how.... nějaký pomluvy jedné či druhé značky detektorů,které momentálně vládnou na trhu jsou jen slabej čajík oproti tomu co se děje jinde tohle je jen sranda a relax
Když se sejdou dva, nebo více kohoutů na jednom smetišti, tak je to vždycky ku prospěchu věci. V době, kdy jsem hrával aktivně kulečník se handrkovali dvě věhlasné značky Longoni a Predator, kdo dělá nejlepší tága na světě. Tenhle duel nemohl mít vítěze, obě značky jsou špička, ale kolik nádherných tág z toho zápolení vzešlo, to byla radost pro všechny. Tady je to stejné, jen nejde o krásu, ale o technologii. Bojujte, pro nás uživatele jedině dobře.
Mince nádherná!
Však já to psal taky jen z legrace. Abych tu snad neuhodil na citlivou strunu.
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Pochybuji, že ji našel. V té době by to musel být pitomec, který by ji ztratil. Mezi obyč.lidmi se vůbec nevyskytovaly. Kdyby to byl nález muselo by jich být víc.
To plantazník: nebylo jednoduší tam dát to žabožrotí logo? :)
To Macko: to že ty jsi nikdy nedal zlatou minci, rozhodně neznamená že se nenachází. Je to jak o štěstí tak o tom co umíš. Navíc, to že Čechy jely na stříbro, díky dolům v Jihlavě, Kutné Hoře atd. neznamená, že se i tady občas nějaký kočičák nedá. To se tedy hodně pleteš...