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Nokta Makro pulse diving detector & pinpointer
Categories: Nokta - Reviews and tests , Detektory Nokta Pulse Dive
Whether you're a classic searcher or a diver, this pinpointer is bound to excite you as much as it does us. The PulseDive set includes both a finder and a coil to use when diving. The entire detector is waterproof to a depth of 60 meters. Of course, it can be used on land as a classic tracker, but also in salt and normal water.
Patented design - This innovative design allows the tracking device to be quickly transformed into a diving detector in a matter of seconds.
IP68 - Waterproof to 60 meters
Pulse Induction Technology - Allows stable operation in salt water as well as in all types of soil.
Built-in wireless module - Compatible with Nokta Makro 2.4GHz Green Edition wireless headsets.
Detection types - 1. Audio only, 2. Vibration only, 3. Audio and vibration
In addition to all modes of indication by LED
LED flashlight - For underwater and low light conditions
Rapid Retune - Ensures stable operation at the touch of a button
Dive Mode - Provides easier underwater operation by locking the keys and preventing them from being compressed by water pressure during deep diving.
Loss Alarm - After 5 minutes of inactivity, the unit sounds an audible alarm and the LED starts flashing
Hard-Shell- A protective case that prevents wear and tear.
Catalogue sheets
Nokta Makro PulseDive SET - Package and Specifications
- Durable carrying case
- Probe designed for searching in water (circular, waterproof)
- Cover for circular probe and finder
- Belt pouch
- Safety lanyard
- Dust cap
- USB charging cable
Technical Specifications
- Technology.
- Working frequency: 3 kHz
- Working frequency shift
- Waterproof up to 60 meters
- Integrated wireless module (connects to Nokta Green Edition headphones)
- Operating modes - Audio, Vibration, Combination and LED
- Adjustable sensitivity - 5 levels
- Power supply - integrated 1650 mAh Li-Po battery
- Dimensions and weight - Scuba 419g, tracker 286g (including caps). Scuba 39 cm, tracking device 28 cm.
- Warranty 2 years
The detectors can already be ordered, expected delivery is in the first or second week of May.
1. Nokta - Makro Pulsdive Pointer + Scuba Yellow SET - price 4 890 CZK incl. VAT
2. Nokta - Makro Pulsdive Pointer + Scuba Black SET - price 4 890 CZK incl. VAT
3. Nokta - Makro Pulsdive Pointer- price 3 290 CZK incl. VAT
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Nokta - Reviews and tests
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Nokta - Reviews and tests > Detektory Nokta Pulse Dive
To servuz: zatím nevím, testoval jsem na svůj snubák a přišlo mi to docela slušné. Tedy na šnorchlování to bude rozhodně pecka a naši kluci se na to už na léto těší. Já vlastně taky, jelikož to vypadá že na dovoléné u moře to rozhodně bude sranda.
No teda, Nokta jede!
Za solidní cenu velice praktická věc. Dokonce bych řekl, že našli díru na trhu a bude to hit.
Ale nebudem předbíhat, neb dosah je to oč v tomto případě kráčí.
To namor: je to věc, na to se vyblbnout při šnorchlování. Což třeba pro nás, na těch 14 dní u moře co jezdíme s děma je prostě super. To že pak sundáš sondu a je s toho pinpointer je super bonus. Není to tak jednoúčelová věc. Tento nápad se rozhodně povedl
Elmara - povedl, bezesporu.Navíc oproti detektoru velice skladné a tak pro běžného dovolenkáře do Chorvatska prostě perfekt.
Také jsem si pořídil tento stroj. Funguje perfektně, ale vůbec nereaguje na silné zlaté řetízky nebo na zlaté náušnice. Na snubák funguje dobře, na stříbro také. Zkoušel jsem všechny citlivosti a na řetízky žádná odezva. Začínám mít pocit, že jsou z plastu )