Metal detector Mars MD Gaus - practice and familiarization in the field

Categories: Mars - Reviews and tests , Detektor kovů Mars Gauss

Detektor kov§ Mars Gauss

First impressions

Already at the first glance the construction seems very interesting and stable. The basic part consists of a profiled tube with a handle for the unit, which, unlike other detectors, can be moved with two Allen screws on one side. It is therefore possible to change the position of the balance by sliding the handle and not the armrest. Changing the position with fixation is possible in two positions. The bar for the coil connection is made of Kevlar of circular cross-section and its length is adjustable by means of a rotary screw lock. The handle is of high quality and fits the hand like a glove. On the front side, rubber protrusions are formed in the handle, which hold beautifully even with a light grip of the palm and fingers. It is true that after about two hours my fingers burned, but this can be solved with a glove and it is calm (I do not use them in the heat). What surprised me a lot is the unit, not only is it beautifully clear but I see a big plus in the ease of sliding out of the grooves in the bed. A simple pull takes the unit off, disconnects the coil (although even that is not needed) and conveniently puts it in the pack. The length when fully retracted with the coil folded is 98 cm and with the coil removed only 82.5 cm.

Detektor kovů Mars Gauss

This mobility will surely be welcomed again by those who go treasure hunting on foot, by bicycle or any other two-foot approach vehicle. And although this gadget seems like it would be a problem for traditional searching movements, it really isn't. The unit doesn't budge and there is virtually no movement, knocking or creaking at all on the Gaus during violent swings.

Detektor kovů Mars Gauss

(Personally, I can recall several instances where I've seen detectorists in the field trying to throw away the detector rather than smoothly scanning the area).

The detector is fitted with a MARS MD Tiger coil as standard, which is a very decent guarantee of stability and range, and with its 25.5 cm x 33 cm size, a very reasonable weight. The accessories I could test include a wireless receiver and wired headphones. The receiver has a jack socket for a 6.3 mm jack and if a reduction to 3.5 mm is used, basically any other headphones, whether classic or earbuds, can be used. The headphones supplied directly by the manufacturer are very well made, sturdy and fit perfectly. The problem is a bit in the hot summer when it is really hot because they envelop the whole ear (I walked in about 29-30 °C and it was quite a massacre). The receiver works great and the response is really lightning fast. So for me again a big PLUS. Setup and pairing is very easy and the receiver can be operated together with the unit on four channels, so there is no risk that the four detectors cannot work in their proximity. Additionally, I was walking with my friend Zbytek (he walks with Deus) and we didn't interfere with each other within two meters of each other.

Detektor kovů Mars Gauss

Unit and individual mode settings

The unit is very clear and fully functional for easy memorization of the various program setup steps and search functions. The basic menu navigation button is on the right below the display. Pressing it will display the individual items in steps. GAIN - DISC - FREQ - SEARCH - MODE - VOL - FeVOL - TRANS Then the menu repeats in a loop, so it is not possible to return to the previous item. The individual modes are then set with the left and right arrow keys. To leave the menu in search standby mode then just press the PINPOINT button. The good thing is that if you are already in the browse menu, it does not automatically return to standby mode. So it's up to you how long you set or think which mode to choose. An interesting one and I must admit quite used in my familiarization is the SLEEP mode, this is activated by long pressing the button with the crescent moon symbol/soil influence detuning. Exit mode - tl.PINPOINT.

And since I just touched the trace button get ready for the mode to switch literally o to PP at brutal range. The first time I tried it a lightning bolt literally went through me. The depth of field in PP mode is unbelievable. One press and the mode activates (no need to hold the button). To return to normal, press the pin again. The display also features a temperature display - well, how can I say this. It's funny when you're taking a break with a friend and after a few minutes it shows you 42°C.

Surely a clock would be more practical. But in this case, nothing against anything. There are some things I really don't need when I'm searching.

Detektor kovů Mars Gauss

Field practice

Unfortunately, though unknowingly, I immediately set myself up for a little problem by selecting the first box. The ground was so littered with ferrous waste that it looked like a pretty good nut to crack at first. But after about 30 minutes, the problem settled down in the right setting. I would like to highlight the separation here, it is really hard to see and the results started to come immediately, it was no problem to pull out the first silverside after a few digs. I gradually adjusted the modes slightly and basically just pulled pure colour. With the Gause it is almost 100% reliable when there is a sound with the onset of a growl (iron), then a high tone of color and then a growl again when zooming out so it was always some kind of handcuff. You have to remember that with such a sensitive setup you need to go very slowly and move the coil as well.

Detektor kovů Mars Gauss
First AG Gresle

Settings for such wild ground:
GEB (ground effecttuning ) 28H
GAIN (sensitivity) 35
DISC (discrimination ) 5
FREQ (frequency) H4 (48kHz) / this frequency is most ideal for really small targets.
SEARCH (speed) Hi,
MODE (Analog or Digital) An
VOL (pitch)nu color) 9
Fe VOL (iron tones) 4

The choice of other fields was already very varied, from sandy to heavy clay soil. In sandy and semi-sandy soils, the L2 - L5 program, Lo speed and 35-37 sensitivity are preferable. In sand, the depths are easy to mine, however, clay fields in the discretion with depth range and virtually constant digging I was totally killed off after an hour. Still, it just didn't disappoint and this photo proves it (EIN KREUTZER 1780). After that I stopped enjoying mining. Again I reduced the sensitivity and moved to a more favorable location just in case.

Detektor kovů Mars Gauss
The depth speaks for itself - EIN KREUTZER 1780

The next setting was then:
GEB (ground effect tuning) 40h,
GAIN (sensitivity ) 37
DISC( discrimination) 5
FREQ( frequency) H4 (16 kHz)
SEARCH(speed ) Hi
MODE( Analog or digital) I only used An/CL and CL in really quiet places!
VOL (pitch tone color) 8
Fe VOL (iron tones) 5

The range is really admirable with this detector, and it can handle even absolutely miniature targets with ease. In the few days I didn't even recharge it, which is a sign that the battery is of a high standard. I really enjoyed the whole testing period. The variation of settings is really great and absolutely everyone can choose what suits them best. Add to that the fact that I was on sites I have visited countless times, and I pulled something out again. I have already highlighted my preference in speed of target evaluation in several previous detector tests, so with the Gause this is doubly true.

Detektor kovů Mars Gauss
Mix from the first day

During the testing I also managed to find a number of really interesting finds, for example: A heart sew-on pin, a Slavic earflap (got what it is for, though), a clothespin, four Ag coins, mytostka, a lot of coppers (1 Krejcar 1800) - I pulled these from really cruel depths and today it is a problem to find even 2 Heller.

Detektor kovů Mars Gauss
Slavic earring - archaeologist informed

Heart Sew-on Clasp

Mix from one box

10 Krejcar FJI

6 Krejcar FJI


I had the opportunity to test for about a week and duly enjoyed it. It was definitely a good detector, both with the new design features and the overall design that started its very decent run. The first time I turned it on, I was literally engrossed. The sound from the speaker is beautifully audible and pretty much distinct. The wireless receiver with headphones is literally outstanding in both accuracy and speed. Operation and setup is very pleasant and, with moderate practice, very fast. Response to target is instantaneous. Not only can it do depths but even a very small flinch is no obstacle for it. If I were to choose a new detector again it would be the obvious choice, not only considering the very reasonable price but mainly because it really CAN.

Processed, photographed and enjoyed the searches immensely:-)


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Je to docela legrace, ale takřka na 100% bych mohl ty lokality vyjmenovat :-) Test super, teď detektor frčí k GM4PRO ;-)

To: Elmara - pšššt ;-) :-P

Da gauss na frak eq 800? Ci je to +- stejne.

Nedá, ale taky stojí 15000 kč. Každopádně je to opravdu dobrý detektor a doporučit se dá s klidným srdcem že neprodáváš nesmysl.

Pěkné, něco takového u tak cenově dostupného detektoru bude pro konkurenci opravdu tvrdej oříšek.
Každopádně super článek, už se nemůžu dočkat až si to taky zkusím 😉
Jen abych potom nebrečel za mega hluboké díry 🤔

To: freexxx Ze své zkušenosti ti nedokážu na tuto otázku plně uspokojivě odpovědět, ale je potřeba zdůraznit že Equinox jede v multifrekvenci a to je diametrální rozdíl. Já s Eq 800 chodil zhruba půl roku a nálezy byli, to nemohu popřít. Ale pokud bych ten týden strávený s Gausem měl poměřovat s prvním týdnem u Noxe, odpověď bude jednoznačná - Noxe jsem rychle vystřídal za Anfibio a to jen protože Gaus v tu dobu ještě nebyl na světě. :-D ;-)

Potěšila mě Tvoje recenze a docela jsem se na ní těšil.
Dobře si pamatuju, jaký problém si měl sžít se s Noxem a nakonec jsi ho musel prodat a přejít na Anfibio. Pokud je Tvoje recenze podle pravdy bez částečné úlitby „bohům“, díky za ní. Hledu zdar

To: Namor vždy jsem psal a budu psát jen mé skutečné pocity a zkušenosti. Nic si nepotřebuji přikrášlovat ani psát nepravdy. Navíc jsem si ho chtěl vyzkoušet na vlastní kůži a je to druhý detektor který mě opravdu příjemně překvapil. A ano potvrzuji - Nox mi nesedl ale hanit ho nehodlám- prostě má svůj okruh spokojených uživatelů. Já jsem nestranný a proto si dovolím napsat svůj osobní názor a stát si za ním ! 8-)

Jasně že strčí Equinox do kapsy a to minimálně poměrem ceny a výkonu a kdo chce kupovat tak se vyplatí verze PRO ;-)

cobra - tak je to správné a tak to má být :-) Ač jsem svoje Tesoro vyměnit nehodlal, tenhle stroj mě skutečně zaujal.

Díky za testík. Detektor to bude určitě zajímavý. Včera jsem koukal na nějaké srovnávací texty na YT, samozřejmě z UA a docela šlape EQ na paty.

To Patizon: Ano, chodí to moc pěkně, řekl bych, že tak trochu aspiruje na nejlepší jednofrekvenční digoš. Ale ani výrobce netvrdí, že je to EQ, to není... narozdíl od některých mudrců, kteří to sice ani neměli nikdy v ruce... obvykle ani jeden přístroj ale protě vědí :-) :-) :-). Myslím že to od Marsu nebude poslední detektor a když začali takto... kdo ví co budou mít třeba za dva nebo tři roky ;-)

Já si myslím, že to bude hlavně o tom co člověk chce hledat.Kdyz si vemu, že na Marsu můžeš dát Universal 16kHz, můžeš jít co chceš,nebo dáš 48kHz když se chceš hrabat v pidi mincích.A když přičtu ten dosah,tak to určitě sahá do vyšších tříd.Ja osobně bych asi multifrekvenční detik nechtěl, pokud by to nešlo potlačit.obcas chodím válku,tj příkop,kraj pole a lokality plný bordelu.Na to mi sice i 16kHz přijde dost,ale určitě to půjde ztlumit třeba citlivostí.Takze to půjde.S Noxem si to neumím představit,ale netvrdím, že to nejde.Nemel jsem tu čest ho držet

Jak jsem již několikrát psal každému sedne něco jiného a Gaus rozhodně patří k těm co mi naprosto sednou. Múže být sebedražší detík a nebo i levnější ale jak říkám vybírám si podle toho co mi opravdu sedne. Navíc ta (ikdyž) krátká doba na seznámení a především pak praxe v terénu hovoří zcela jasně. ;-)

Když to tak celé schrnu tak první detík byl Mikron NGR 100- na tu dobu celkem slušný stroj ale s cívkou brnknout o stéblo trávy tak šílenost, 2 - Viking VK 40 - naprostá šílenost, 3- Teknetics G2: dodnes na něj nedám dopustit, 4- NOKTA Fors Core - velmi zajímavý a vůbec nebyl špatný, 5- NOKTA Impact - počáteční nadšení vystřídaly neustálé problémy v nevychytané konstrukci, 6- Eqinox 800- nacházel ale co hledačka tak neustále ve stresu a nervy.... 7- NOKTA Anfibio - naprostá spokojenost a mám ho dodnes. 8- ???? :-D


Tak testování jsem si moc užil a detik jsem dnes podle domluvy odeslal.
Myslel jsem,jak dám alespoň pár fotek do placu,ale čas mi to nějak kazí...
Každopádně na recenzi tvrdě makám,tak do víkendu ji pošlu, zítra snad i nějaké fotky, materiálu se podařilo pořídit hodně, takže chci něco ukázat i mimo recenzi

Super :) Moc se těším :)

Omlouvám se za zpoždění,ale kamarád narychlo udělal svatbu, takže od čtvrtka jsem jinde...v pondělí až úterý dám recenzi 😎

Sondak: s noxem nemusis chodit jen v multi. Muzes nastavit napr. jen frekvenci 5 khz a da se chodit i skarpa a kraj pole. Tolik ma zkusenost.

Nuny70 přesně tak. Noxe můžeš nastavit jak chceš. Meze se nekladou....... 8-)

Ahoj Elmara jen sem si všiml teda pokud je to chyba v tom druhém nastavení je H4 (16khz) nemělo by být L4 (16khz) jinak recenze dobrá srozumitelná :-P

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