Medieval ring declared a treasure

Categories: Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku

In October last year, a prospector with a metal detector discovered a silver ring in the Cotswolds. Experts subsequently discovered that the jewel dates from between 1100 and 1200. It was recently declared a treasure.

The rare ring was discovered by metal detectorist Ben Curmeem from Clevedon, just last October 20. He found the jewel on land owned by a Mr Williamson, who of course authorised the search. The finder reported the find.

The ring was examined by Dr Denise Wilding, who works at the British Museum. She found it to be a medieval piece of jewellery. She also stated that the ring contains at least ten percent silver. Because it is old enough and contains enough precious metal, the ring could be classified as a treasure.

The Costwolds is an area in the west of England about 145 kilometres long. The undulating landscape is defined by the cities of Bath, Oxford and Stratford-upon-Avon, and lies within the counties of Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Warwickshire, Wiltshire and Worcestershire, with the city of Gloucester as its centre.

There have been several great finds there in the past. Fifteen years ago, for example, a prospector there found the largest bronze hoard ever found in the UK at the time. Specifically, it was a collection of old gold and bronze rings. Then there were the weapons. The treasure was expected to make the finder a fortune.

The artefacts were declared treasure by the local coroner, Alan Crickmore. The value of the find was subsequently determined by experts from the British Museum. It was thought to be in the hundreds of thousands of pounds, as the finds dated from 1300 to 1100 BC. This is a very rare discovery in the area.

The finder was a forty-six-year-old gardener, Steve Taylor, who was allowed to go on the treasure hunt by his employer. He found rings and fragments of other jewellery, a fragment of a bronze spearhead and a knife.

"I was ecstatic when I realised what I had found. I don't think the proceeds from the sale will make me as rich as a lottery winner, but it should be enough to pay off all my bills," the lucky finder said at the time.


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Třeba se u nás konečně taky proberou :-D
I když asi vědí,že to nej již zaspali. Teď už jde o houno, už toho v zemi moc nezbylo.
Já to nezažil-jen to houno,ale jeden hledač v tv říkal že před 30 lety chodili z lokalit s plnýma igelitkama :-D :-D

Svatá pravda.Já vím ,že od jednoho nejmenovaného hradu toho odvezli tolik,že jim to ani do auta nevlezlo :-(

Stará obehraná vinylová deska co hraje pod každým článkem s odměnou. Jenom si představit co by udělalo s českým člověkem nálezné 100%. To by tady stouply prodeje :-D

Nemá cenu remcat nad něčím, co se nedá změnit. Nikdy už nebude nálezů v zemi více, než je právě teď. A kdo lituje, že se nenarodil v UK, ať se zamyslí nad tím, že se taky mohl narodit na Slovenku a dneska by litoval, že nebydlí v u nás. ;-) :-D

Marky jestli je to nabídka toho, že spolu vstoupíme do vysoké politiky a budeme moci do dění okolo nás aktivně zasáhnout. Tak promiň, do toho nejdu. To je takový žrout času a síly, že by jsme se na hledání mohli rovnou ....pověsit ho na hřebík. :-D ;-)

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