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Inspiration from Norway for prospectors with metal detectors in the Czech Republic
Categories: Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Skandinávii
A friend from Ireland, sent us a little inspiration from a friend in Norway, where metal detector finds are now on display, including a description of the benefits of such collaboration.
The History Museum in Oslo (part of the Norwegian National Museum) has a very interesting exhibition "Detector - Lost and found" which reveals the wealth of stories hidden in metal detector finds. This exhibition presents a range of finds from different parts of Norway and historical periods, from carefully craftedweights testifying to ancient trade routes and power relations, to amulets showingreligious transformations during the transition from indigenous religion to Christianization, to beautiful jewellery that reflect international inspirations and influenced traditions that are reflected in Norway today.
For prospectors in the Czech Republic, such an exhibition could serve as an inspiration not only to take an interest in the history hidden beneath our feet, but also to raise awareness of the importance of collaboration with archaeologists and museums. Thorough documentation of discoveries can lead to new knowledge about our past. This model of cooperation could be a model for similar activities in the Czech Republic, where such partnerships could help to protect and better understand our cultural heritage.
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad > Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Skandinávii
Bylo by hezky, kdyby to tak fungovalo .. nicmene depot amuletu, kterej jsem pred cca 3 lety nasel s tátou upadl asi v zapomneni .. nikde videt nejsou, informaci taky moc nebylo ..
Hele, mladej se tady taky občas ukáže... 😁
Jo, to máš pravdu. Amulety byly chvilku vidět v Ivančicích a pak asi zpátky šup do depozitu... 🙉
Venda17 : pisu sem tatuldo, jen kdyz me neco zvedne ze zidle
Já nevím, už hezkou řádku let hledám a zatím jsem se setkal jen s dobrou spoluprací. Krom Pana Jenče .
Jenom jak to je v Norsku.
Osobně bych inspiraci nehledal v Norsku, ale raději v UK apod.