Závora? Trochu tápu, je to tedy nějaký druh kování?
History hunters - mystery on 23.4.2024
Categories: Nálezy detektory kovů v ČR a SR - záhada dne
The subject is on LP already under 2013. And even though the finder has stated in the description "Latin bronze application, handed over to archaeologists", it is still in the unclassified. At the time, Dan (Hogo Fogo) at the find stated that it should be Laten - the so-called plastic style.
The object is 6 cm long.
Link to the find: Application | LovecPokladu.cz
You can post your opinions in the chat, but it would be just as good to make a classification for the object. If you have a link to a similar sculpture from somewhere on the web or from literature, be sure to add it to the chat as well.
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic > Nálezy detektory kovů v ČR a SR - záhada dne
Podle muzejníků z francie je to hlava klíče (Tête de clavette).
To že je to latén jsme tak trochu díky Danovi už věděli, ale doufal jsme že to dáme :) Zase je to dost jedinečný předmět i když máme jenom jednu fotografii :)
I think it is a celtic style.
Best regards
Yes, we know it's Celtic, we just don't know what it is. :)