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Highway to prehistory
Categories: Invitations
14 January - 5 February 2023 / open daily 9 am - 3.30 pm (including weekends and Mondays)
This year, the Powder Museum in Písek is also opening in January. In the Small Exhibition Halls you can visit the exhibition Highway to Prehistory from Saturday 14 January to Sunday 5 February from 9 am to 3.30 pm (including Mondays). The exhibition will present findings documenting the settlement in the vicinity of Čimelice and Mirotice as early asB.C., which have been found by archaeologists during extensive research in the last two years. There are thousands of objects, but only the most interesting ones will be on display at the exhibition - above allm ceramic and metal objects, such as horsetail clips, clothespins, belt buckles, pins, bracelets, coins and glass beads. A large exhibition on the research of the entire motorway, which is being organised by the South Bohemian Museum in České Budějovice, plans toin the regional town until 2026, so the opportunity to see a partial part of the finds directly in Písek is unique. The exhibition will also focus on the methods of archaeological work. School groups are also welcome by prior arrangement, and the museum offers a brief guided tours, the opportunity to meet the archaeologist and a small search
game around the exhibition with the help of tablets.
Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 4 p.m. "Highway to Prehistory" / Lecture on the exhibition / Lecture hall of the museum. Lecture by Mgr. Erika Průchová and Ing. Tomáš Hiltscher from the archaeological department of the PM in Písek.
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Tak jsem skutečně vyrazil a vzhledem k nulové odezvě neočekával žádný zázrak.
Bylo to horší, byla to hrůza, jsem zklamán.
Vše tak nějak narychlo spíchnuté, na nástěnkách jakési informace nakřivo připnuté a celek bez ladu a skladu. Minimum informací, minimum nálezů - dva kompletní přesleny, dva nekompletní, polovina kamenné sekery, jedna mince, dvě pečetítka a jedna spona. Ta byla pěkná.
Předměty, které nejvíce vyplnily prostor: stavební kolečko, detektor Equinox a výstražná vesta.
Když jsem paní na židličce povídal, že jsem čekal víc, tak mi bylo odpovězeno: Víte..., oni to kluci udělali jen tak narychlo. Jen tak, aby se neřeklo a bylo něco k vidění. Ale bude opravdová výstava ale ne v Písku.
Konečné resume: Práce kvapná, houno platná.