He'll get 560,000 for the treasure.

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic

The reward for the treasure will go to the next finder. He will receive 560 thousand crowns from the Pardubice Region. It is a depot from Vysoká near Jevíčko, which contained over seven thousand silver and gold coins, mostly from the 17th century. The anonymous finder behaved in an exemplary manner and called archaeologists to the site.

Above all, it should be mentioned that this is a truly extraordinary find. In recent years, no one in the Czech Republic has managed to discover such a large coin depot. It is the largest known and preserved hoard of coins from the period around the 17th century in the historical territory of Moravia.

The decision to award the prize was made by the councillors of the Pardubice Region and will be discussed by the council in June. However, there should be no complications. Roman Línek, deputy for culture of the Pardubice Region, said that since the statutory finder's fee is calculated at the maximumLínek said that in this exceptional case they had decided to take into account the cultural and historical value of the find. "We are counting on the fact that if other similarly extraordinary finds are discovered in future years, we will value them in the same way," Línek added.

The treasure was found by a hitherto unknown finder on 8 July 2020 in a meadow near the village of Vysoká near Jevíčko. The finder collected 227 coins in a field gnawed by wild animals, then called archaeologists from the Regional Museum in Litomyšl. They immediately started rescue research on the site. They also used metal detectors to find the coins. In the end, a total of 7,099 pieces were discovered.

We also wrote about this treasure in the calendar: Over 7,000 coins in the meadow

Most of the coins date from the late 16th century to the 1760s. The youngest coins date back to 1671, while the oldest coins have been identified by experts as the Polish half-groschen of Vladislav II from the period between 1431 and 1434. The regional councillors will decide on the reward on 20 June. Afterwards, the finder should receive the money.

As far as the amount of the reward is concerned, it is still rather exceptional in the Czech Republic. Although there are already other cases where the county has rewarded exemplary behaviour of the finder. The decision of the South Bohemian Regional Council, which last year approved a reward of CZK 100,000 for the finder of the Kucera treasure, is worth mentioning. The depot contained a total of 1,374 coins, 335 broken coins and 264 grams of glued coins. It was discovered on 5 April 2017 in Kučeř, Písek, by a digger when coins started spilling out of a bucket.

"It is a completely preserved find, where we knew the circumstances of the discovery, with a high testimonial value for the study of the monetary conditions of the Písek region, its historical value is higher. We also took into account the cooperation of the finder. The Council of the South Bohemian Region therefore decided on a reward of CZK 100,000," explained Deputy Governor for Culture Pavel Hroch.

Almost half a million crowns were awarded seven years ago to the finder of gold and silver coins near Horní Rápotice near Humpolec in the Pelhřimov region. Experts estimated the value of the treasure at CZK 291,000. However, they also took into account the price on the collector's market, which exceeded CZK 3 million. Furthermore, the cultural and historical value, which was around CZK 9.5 million. The depot contained over 300 coins.

We also wrote about this treasure in the calendar: He handed over the treasure, got half a million

Sources: www.jcted.cz, www.pardubickykraj.cz, www.lidovky.cz, https://kraj-jihocesky.cz/

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Pěkné, ale my s klackama máme smůlu... 😔

Sedm tisíc stříbrných a zlatých mincí...
No pane jo, to je jmění jak hrom.

Taky to byla rýha jako ďas :-D

Divočák to načal, bagr dokončil.

Dneska se nikomu makat nechce, proto všude bagr. Já těm našim taky musel vykopat sondu sám :-P

Já jsem přece stejný anonym jako tenhle anonym, Cémo.
V televizi říkali, že nález našli muzejníci a ne nějaký lojza, co chodí spát se slépkama ;-)

Nevím jestli je to zrovna tenhle případ ale co vím od archeologa tak na jednoho hledače se přišlo až když mince přeprodával.Dostal na výběr buďto flastr nebo říct od kud to je.No raději prozradil.A největší paradox že to nálezné dostal.

Je hezké, že “nálezné” dostane nálezce, ale co majitel pozemku? Přijde se s ním rozdělit? Mě by se tedy opravdu “líbilo”, kdyby se někdo na mém pozemku nakapsoval. 👎

tak ono je velkej rozdíl, když něco sebereš z povrchu, nebo tam reješ, to je jako bys majiteli sáhl do kapsy
- nález pod povrchem je součást pozemku, věc na povrchu je věc, kerá se k pozemku nevztahuje, to je jako by Ti na Tvém pozemku zaparkovali sousedi a Ty by sis pak dělal nárok na jejich auto a jeho starou :-D
- jináč, apeluji na všechny nálezce pokladů
- odevzdejte to bez nároků na odměnu, stát je v takových sračkách, že je to vaše občanská a morální povinnost!!

A když ty sousedy na chvili i s autem zahrabu pod zem... Tak už si pak můžu dělat nárok ?🤔😁 aspoň na sousedku... 😁😁😁

počkej, Vendy, tento případ se stal někdy v r. 1964 - ale už si nepamatuji, jak to dopadlo - musím dolů do archívu pro spis :-D
- tak už to mám - majiteli pozemku tenkráte přiklepli akorát hever - ono taky - kdo by chtěl vyhrabanou susedu?? :-D

:-D :-D :-D

Já chci taky 560 litrů, ale přijmu i nižší částku. :-D

Céma - historie se opakuje cyklicky po desítkách let, že by měnová reforma po 70 letech :-/ :-)
Pokud si měl vidění, řekni nám to včas ;-)

Slibuju, že ani neceknu :-D :-D

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