Fast food in Pompeii

Categories: Castles, strongholds and extinct places , Finds and rescue research abroad , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě

A complete counter that was part of a fast food restaurant was excavated by archaeologists in Pompeii. They also found the remains of snail, fish and pork. It's an extremely rare discovery.

Archaeologists have found eighty fast food joints in Pompeii in the past. But this is the first time they've come across more complete remains of an establishment that also prepared hot food. It was called a thermopolium (made up of the Greek words thermos, hot, and poleo, to sell). The old buffet was preserved in a layer of ash. Archaeologists have already uncovered part of it in 2019, but only reported the discovery a few days ago.

The remains of the fast food restaurant are now completely uncovered. Archaeologists can now find out what kind of treats the inhabitants of Pompeii indulged in. "We have actually found eighty buffets in the past. But now, for the first time, we've unearthed the complete remains of a cooking room, so to speak. food," confirmed Massimo Osanna, who is the long-term head of the archaeological park at Pompeii.

Archaeologists found the remains of a fast food counter in 2019. They have been digging ever since before they uncovered the whole thing. They had to be careful not to damage the counter. There are large holes at the top where containers of hot food were placed. Archaeologists have found several of them. They analyzed what was inside. They found a duck bone, but also remains of snail, fish and pork.

And at the bottom of one of the jars, archaeologists found the remains of crushed beans. These are said to have been used to flavour the food. The counter is decorated with a fresco of a sea nymph on horseback. It also depicts various animals, such as mallards. "They probably represent the food and drink they used to prepare meals. We also found fava beans at the bottom of one of the jars. For example, they were added to wine for flavour, they also lightened the colour of the wine," said anthropologist Valeria Amoretti.

Also discovered were a bronze ladle, nine amphorae, which were popular food containers in Roman times, several flasks and a pottery oil container. Archaeologists also discovered the complete skeleton of a small dog, which was no more than 25 centimetres tall. Experts say this is evidence of selective breeding. The dog depicted on the counter was large and muscular.

Archaeologists say the owner of the cafeteria found a good location for his business. Right in front of the restaurant was a small plaza with a fountain and another thermopolium nearby.


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Už se těším až se tam znovu podíváme. V Evropě není lepší archeologická lokalita. :-)

Krásný, hlavně ty barvy :-)
jen se mi nezdá tvrzení "Část už archeologové odkryli v roce 2019, o objevu ale informovali teprve před pár dny.", protože jsem o tomto objevu četl už vloni ;-) byla to tehdy jen krátká zpráva bez fotek, ale rozhodně ten objev netajili, jak z té věty trochu vyplývá. Spíše teď ukázali výsledky své práce v plné kráse i na fotkách

Tedy to jsou pěkný malby. Japa dlouho vydrží takhle po odkrytí?

Kfeksa2: na vykopávkách se tam pracuje každý rok. Je to tak možné. ;-)

Prosim jeden big mac :-D :-D

Jako kdyby to tam zabalili včera. Bomba! :-O

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