CTX 17 coil for CTX 3030 metal detector from a Scottish perspective

Categories: Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector , Testy cívek pro detektory kovů Minelab

When I bought the CTX3030 detector, it changed my search life forever. My confidence grew, the number of finds multiplied manifold...and the depth at which we searched...well, let's just say Australia wasn't that far from the bottom of my dug holes. This wonderful feeling of happiness was also related to the use of a standard 11" spool, the perfect spool specifically for the common searching and prospecting in more polluted locations such as holiday parks, beaches and Victorian spoil heaps.

In Scotland, where I search the most, there are extensive grasslands, signals are usually few and far between. This means that proper scanning and coverage with a standard coil is questionable unless you have the time of several lifetimes forsearching over thousands of hectares...Besides, most pastures have only been plowed a few times in the last hundred years. Which usually means the finds are in good condition, but usually unfortunately buried very deep. That's why every extra inch gained by combining a coil and detector helps tremendously.

I was happy with the standard 11" coil, but for the reasons listed above, I longed for more and bigger options to choose from. My wish was granted in the form of the Minelab CTX 17" coil. The coil was on the detector almost before it was out of the box - and I was certainly not disappointed with the size - it is absolutely massive! It is a little heavier than a standard coil, but that doesn't affect the balance of the detector at all. If anyone finds it heavier than bearable, I can easily recommend the excellent PRO-SWING 45 harness from Minelab. Even a frail girl like Sharon, who is barely 160 cm tall, can walk all day with this harness and a CTX with a 17" coil.

I have now been using the 17" spool for over two years. And with a height of about 180 cm, I can walk with slow comfortable steps and overlap the coil movements everyevery step, satisfied that I can search all the places without gaps and that there are no targets left behind. With regard to depth, I regularly found small medieval silver coins weighing 1.5 g at 30 cm depth - the depth of my holes is often joked about, and inone of the holes is Sharon up to her knees - and I don't complain, no way...ever, I'm so glad nothing is left behind.

Besides, I don't feel I have to compromise on the speed of moving through the detector, on the contrary, I could speed up my normal search a bit. To clarify, as long as you keep your gaze fixed on the ground, the coil above the ground surface, and don't lift at the end of the movement, then the detector can respond quickly even with relatively brisk detector movement. Another bonus is that the CTX 17" coil locates targets even at the end of the detector's arc of motion, sometimes a little behind as well, that's the power of this coil! You will hear a slight beep of a positive signal. And you'll be able to check your steps and then the target - trust me, you'll be surprised more often than you expect.

Finally, pinpointing a large coil is no different than an 11" coil. You can complete a cross over target and then use the pinpoint feature to aim. You can always do a final check and move the coil away from the target and then when the positive signal fades in and out, the target will be in the "U" shaped space in front of the coil.

So, there you have my opinion on the CTX 17" coil for the CTX 3030. For me, it is an absolutely essential piece of detector accessory that is always worthwhile. The quantity of your finds will increase significantly. You don't have to compromise on the speed of moving the detector, your coverage will be much better, you will dig more often and deeper.

I can't imagine searching without this coil anymore, I have found beautiful coins and artifacts thanks to it. If you don't have it yet, I advise you to fix it immediately, you won't regret this investment!

Derek McLennan

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Super, cívku koupím , jen mi ještě chybí ten nepodstatnej zbytek k ní .... :-/ :-/ :-D :-D :-D

Doby, co Ti chybí? Sharon, nebo skotské pastviny? ;-)

Chybí mi ctx3030 :,-( :,-( :,-( :-D :-D :-D

Do 30cm? To nieje malo?

SLOVAKfoundONE : na 1.5g minci určitě ne ..... nebo mysliš že to je málo ? :-D

To:Tomama. V metru a půl ne! Ale v metru zobe s přehledem! Takže najít i tu křehkou dívku,není problém :-D :-D

Největší výhodou 17" cívky je její poktytí. Oproti základní sondě má taky větší hloubkový dosah, hlavně na větší věci.
Největší nevýhodou je její hmotnost. Totálně to rozhodí vyvážení detektoru. Pro delší hledání je bez postroje nepoužitelná. Oproti základní sondě horší separace, lehce horší na úplnou droboť a dohledávání cíle.

No jo no - když jsem přemýšlel nad novým detíkem, tohle byla jedna z možností... jenže nakonec rozhodl fakt, že v Brně žádná pobočka s tímto detektorem není... :-(

Největší nevýhodou je horší separace, což z důvodu velikosti je pochopitelné. Vidí i maličké cíle typu haliře Jirika z P. Vyvážení je horší než s 11", ale celodenní hledačka u mě není bez postroje problém. S ním to není ono, nemám svobodu pohybu.

Hodně zajímavé pro mě určitě ,ale ještě pár let počkám až vychladnou rychlo hledači a vynosím z luk a lesů brokovky,nábojnice,alobal,protože zatím mám na jedno mávnutí 4-10 cílů a to je marast (bývalí sudetský políčka kde se pak vyvezlo a zaoralo kde co)ale až se uklidí,tak ta droboť mezi tím bordelem je.Zatím kopu všechno a každej 50tej bordel je něco hezkého.

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