Contents of Galloway Viking treasure pot finally revealed!
Categories: Finds and rescue research abroad , Gallowayský poklad
Scottish detectorist Derek McLennan discovered a unique Viking treasure some time ago, consisting of many pieces of silver, gold and other artefacts, including a magnificent pot with previously hidden contents. However, that finally changed last week when the contents were finally removed and released to the public after prior scanning by experts following preservation. What was hidden in the pot took the breath away from even the most experienced experts...
Mr McLennan found the treasure back in 2014. It contained a number of silver and gold objects, and it was this lidded pot that has been thrilling experts and lay enthusiasts around the world with its hidden contents all along. I have been following the whole story for a long time; it began with an article about Derek's find in the autumn of 2014, continued with a truly thrilling adventure in scanning the contents of the pot, and today this 'trilogy' ends with its current revelation.
The contents of the pot, like the rest of the hoard, which experts rank among the most important Viking discoveries in Scotland, date back to the 9th and 10th centuries. The pot has been opened under laboratory conditions and with the greatest care for over a thousand years! It is hard to imagine the excitement of uncovering its contents. It must have been an amazing experience...
Richard Welander of Historic Environment Scotland commented, "Before removing the objects themselves, we first scanned the pot using a special CT scanning method to get a rough idea of what was inside. This procedure alone provided an exciting spectacle, yet we were not prepared for what was yet to come! These amazing objects give us an unrivalled insight into the times and mindset of Vikingers in the Galloway area all those years ago. They tell of perceptions of time, reveal manifestations of royal rivalry and some objects even reflect a sense of humour for which the Vikings were not always renowned."
So what did the artfully crafted Carolingian pot conceal? After more than 1,000 years, a total of six magnificent Anglo-Saxon silver brooches, gold, silver and crystal objects and jewellery, ivory beads coated with silver, an incredibly finely crafted gold pendant, a silver brooch originally from Ireland and very fine Byzantine fabrics...
The treasure must have been very significant to its original owner. Probably for a religious ceremony rather than a real depot, ready for later retrieval. The way the items were stored suggests this. Each piece in the pot was carefully wrapped and stored. Even the fabric itself was of the highest quality at the time, something that only the highest church leaders, rulers or very wealthy noblemen could boast.
For archaeologists, this is a rich source of completely new knowledge and insights into the life of the Viking9th and 10th centuries. Experts therefore rank the find among the most important treasures not only in Scotland.
Now the treasure will be recognised by a special committee. It will then be offered for sale to Scottish museums. When it is sold, Derek will receive a reward worth the market value of the find, which he will share with the landowner, the church. It is estimated that the reward could realistically be close to £1 million, or about £34 million. Derek himself, however, has made no secret of his intentions to dispose of the reward. Some time ago he founded the Beyond the Beep project, which we also wrote about. As you can see, luck just picked the right finder...
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad
- Archive of articles > Treasures > Pravěké poklady > Gallowayský poklad
U toho bych asi volal Chocholouška sám a dobrovolně ,pokud by mě mezi tím neróblo
To je nádhera
O tom si můžem jen nechat zdát,naprostá nádhera
Hrnečku vař.Tenhle toho navařil dost
nádhera radost pohledět
To je mazec. Nádhera veliká.
Neskutečný nález !! Nejspíš sen každého z nás. Jen si tak říkám co by se asi stalo, kdyby podobný nález našel někdo u nás... třebas zrovna na Jižní Moravě... kolikpak by asi dostal nálezného...
Úžas super nález
Emersonskej - Nález by to byl u nás neskutečnej , ale s tím nálezným sem nechoď . Pokud najdeš detíkem , tak nemáš nárok .Záleží jen na ouřadovi jak se rozhodne.
Ale s detíkem určitě nezbohatneš , to je tak nějak víc než jistý a bylo by dobrý tohle hlásat hodně nahlas pro všechny , co si kupují detík kvůli kšeftu
To Emersonskej: U nas by nalezce dostal prvni cenu, v prave probihajici soutezi tady na LP
Joeblack, yoki : Nechápejte mě špatně. Já sám detektor určitě kvůli zisku nemám a ani mě nikdy nenapadlo, že na něm jakkoli zbohatnu. Jen mi prostě vadí přístup výše zmíněné úřednice.
Prostě s detíkem na nálezný nemyslet
Mně by teda stačil i ten hrnek bez obsahu...
Cesta 26: Jestli podobným myslíš třeba bronzácký depot stovek předmětů,desítek kg váhy,tak ano. Skončil(y) přesně tak jak píšeš. V devadesátých letech se archeozloději ani jenom nezajímali o nějaké nálezné. Jejich nájezdy na archeolokality byly jenom o zisku. A dnes máme hodně co dělat aby jsme si to u archáčů jako detektoráři aspoň trochu vyžehlili... Proto i ta alergie slušných hledačů na otázky typu "jakou to má cenu" a srovnávání s Anglií,kde si bez svolení majitele pozemku ani neškrtneš a jak už zde bylo psáno,svolení dostaneš tak ve 2-3 případech ze sta...
Když se to tak vezme jsou to Čechy,země detektorářům zaslíbená,kde zatím můžeš neskrývaně bez povolení běhat s detíkem,pokud teda nelezeš na chráněné lokality.
No tfuj,to jsem se zase nějak rozepsal...
Emersonskej: tři roky natvrdo.
Tak to je pecka a určitě sen každého fandy najít něco podobného