Tak jsem se dočetl, že to je nález za pěkných pár mega…. Nálezce by měl dostat “maximální” odměnu. Tak si tak pokaždé říkám, co na to říkávají majitelé pozemků, kteří dostanou tak akorát 💩💩💩? Opravdu dobré zákony. Jak by to dopadlo, kdyby se soudili? Asi stejně, že?
Jinak je fajn, že se to vystavuje. Jenže proč v Litomyšli? A uloženo v Brně… No jo… v Jevíčku by museli na to mít nedobytné muzeum. 😢
Coin treasure from Vysoká
Categories: Invitations
29. 4. 2022 - 15. 5. 2022
The exhibition will present to the public the recent unique discovery of a coin depot from the village of Vysoká u Jevíčka.
The accidentally discovered hoard is very numerous, consisting of over seven thousand silver and a smaller number of gold coins, mostly from the 16th-17th centuries. They come from a large territory - from Venice to Lithuania, from the Netherlands to Transylvania.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on Friday 29 April at 5 pm.
A lecture on the treasure will be held on Wednesday, May 11 at 5 pm. Interesting information related to the discovery of the depot and the course of archaeological research will be presented by the archaeologist of the Regional Museum in Litomyšl, Mgr. Jana Němcová and the numismatist of the Moravian Museum in Brno Mgr. Dagmar Grossmannová Ph.D.
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