Tak ta pětasedmdesátka, to je jako neuvěřitelná cena
Než trh naprosto a bez skrupulí ovládl Minelab s multi, tak právě F75 byl po dlouhá léta špičkou (nejen) pro mnohé válkaře. I dnes, po prodělané „detektorové evoluci“, je to velice osobitý stroj, který je prověřený a má rozhodně co nabídnout.
Jako fakt neskutečná cena. Jak tohle se vám povidlo (čti povedlo)
Christmas present from Rukus and completely extraordinary prices for Fisher metal detectors
Categories: New prices, sales
If you've been eyeing the Versa metal detector, the manufacturer has baffled you with a free 24cm 2D coil and First Texas has slashed prices on Fisherers just like they did with Teknetics and it's really a massacre.
Rutus Versa 28 2D metal detector with free 24 cm 2D coil
As part of various Christmas promotions, Rutus also came up with a nice gift in the form of a very hilarious separation coil. Definitely use the probe when searching in iron-infested locations as well as when searching in the water, especially if you'll be focusing on targets like open earrings or chains
- The link to the metal detector is here: Rutus Versa 2D metal detector with 24 cm coil free
- Price of the detector: 18,790 CZK incl. VAT
New prices for metal detectors Fisher
Many things can be imagined by the word carnage, but I think the prices at which Fisher detectors can now be bought describes it perfectly. If a year ago you were paying 24 990 kc for the F75 LTD and today you can get a detector for 10 990 kc incl. VAT, you have to ask how is that even possible?
First Texas It still has no successor for its flagship Teknetics T2 and Fisher F75 and so, at least temporarily, they had to reduce the prices this significantly. It is clear that both the T2 at 9 990 kč and the F75 at 10 990 kč are suddenly a great choice and this applies to the entire range of detectors from First Texas.
Metal detector Fisher F75 V2 Plus
The V2 plus version is actually the LTD without the additional separation coil and with gold coloured rods.
- Metal detector link in the shop.
- Price of the detector 10 990 CZK incl. VAT
Metal detector Fisher F44 - 28cm 2D probe
Fisher F44 fitted with the better 2D 28cm probe you know from the top models Fisher.
- Metal detector Fisher F44 - 28cm 2D probe
- Price of the detector 8 990 CZK incl. VAT
Metal detector Fisher F22 - probe 28cm 2D
Fisher F22 fitted with the better 2D 28cm probe you know from the top models Fisher.
- Metal detector Fisher F22 - 28cm 2D probe
- Price of the detector 6 990 CZK incl. VAT
- The complete range of detectors Fisher can be found here: Metal detectors Fisher
- The complete range of Rutus metal detectors can be found here: Rutus metal detectors
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Kolik váží prosim?
1,6 Kg bez baterií ale tím že má baterie v loketce tak je perfektně vyvážený.
namor: pořád mám své LTD V2 a jsem max spokojen. Vždy mě těší když tahám a kámoš s Deusem 2 nic :D
Tak ten detektor je legenda. Kamarád „válkař“ ho měl už před pětadvaceti lety a nedal na něj dopustit.
Za tuhle cenu fakt jako maso 🤓
Je to další signál že pracují na něčem novém? Nebo takovej poslední výkřik aby něco aby něco prodali
First Texas zase bude opět na veletrhu IWA (Březen2025), tak se samozřejmě zastavíme a snad tam od nich vyloudíme nějaké zákulisní informace.