Za mě designově jeden z nejhezčích analogů vůbec :) A ještě větší krasavec je s tou původní esovitou konstrukcí, i když ta novější bude asi komfortnější. Mám ho jako takový "sváteční stroj", jednou za čas ho vytáhnu a parádička
Black Friday C.Scope with CS6MXi metal detectors and video
Categories: Detektor kovů C.Scope CS6MXi , Special offers, new items
I think it's worth introducing the detector as well, since we haven't had an article about C.Scope detectors here in a while. CS6MXi belongs to the now almost extinct type of detectors that have completely analogue control. For many searchers, not having to deal with anything on the display is literally liberating, and they also tend to be the ones who recruit fans of both the detector and the brand. Analog technology has been more expensive than purely digital for many years, and that's also why most manufacturers have abandoned analog.
The CS6MXi metal detector offers excellent depth and literally lightning fast recovery times. It has excellent sensitivity to the smallest targets and, thanks to a new generation of signal processing, produces a specific, very sharp and fast response to the detected target.
What makes the CS6MXi unique? It is the detection of the finest silver and gold coins, even in iron contaminated sites or highly mineralized soils. I have always appreciated this feature when using it and especially when searching for the finest Ag in field conditions, the detector has constantly shown its incredible potential.
C.Scope The CS6MXi has undergone one major change and several minor ones during its production. However, it never cost the manufacturer to come up with a new name/number and so it is still produced under the original name. A bit of interest is that we as LP were involved almost from the beginning in the development of the detector, from the first versions to the final one, which we then presented in its continental premiere in Hungary.
The detector runs at a working frequency of 17 kHz and although it is a single frequency detector with VLF technology, it basically offers the best that this technology has brought to the world. The Three Pitch Audio Discrimination technology allows easy and very sharp target identification. By combining the Iron Volume and Discrimination volume functions, you can perfectly match the detector to both what you are looking for and where. Setting up the detector is very simple and many searchers do not have to adjust anything after they find their ideal setting.
C.Scope The CS6MXi is equipped with a basic 2D coil of 28 cm. However, it can also be purchased in a depth set with a larger 36 cm 2D coil or two additional discounted sets.
The detector is for anyone who does not like to work with LCDs and wants a top detector with very simple setup, perfect separation and extremely long life.
In the video you can see the detector setup as well as a demonstration of the response to different targets and separation characteristics.
Metal Detector C.Scope CS6MXi
- Original price: 17,489 CZK incl. VAT
- Special price: 13 990 kč incl. VAT
- Metal detector link on LP: Metal detector C.Scope CS6MXi
Metal detector C.Scope CS6MXi pinpointer set
- Original price: 18 980 kč incl. VAT
- Special price: 14 990 kč incl. VAT
- Link to metal detector on LP: Metal detector C.Scope CS6MXi pinpointer set
Metal detector set C.Scope CS6MXi - MD Link
- Original price: 17 990 kč incl. VAT
- Special price: 14 990 kč incl. VAT
- Metal detector link on LP: Metal detector C.Scope CS6MXi MD LInk
Metal detector C.Scope CS6MXi depth set
- Original price: 22 790 kč incl. VAT
- Special price: 18 990 kč incl. VAT
- Link to metal detector on LP: Metal detector C.Scope CS6MXi depth set
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > C.Scope - Reviews and tests > Detektor kovů C.Scope CS6MXi
- Archive of articles > Special offers, new items
Na esovité konstrukci byl myslím líbivější. Ale tohle je pohodlnější. Ale obecně je to asi "píchni jako řízni". Máme ten detektor také rád, na drobná Ag je to vysavač
Poslední měsíc-dva uvažuji nad tím, že Valkyrie půjde do zasklené vitríny společně s artefakty s ní spojené (je mi líto jí holku tejrat po luzích a hájích) a pořídím si znovu druhý detektor.
S touhle presentací a super cenou jste mi nasadili do hlavy kůrovce ne jednoho ale hned plné hnízdo. Měl jsem před cca 15 lety trojku C.scope a ta šestka je vážně skvělá. No..., to je teda maso
Souhlas, mám pro něj slabost, prostě se mi fakt moc líbí. A najít také umí. Pokukuju k němu časem dokoupit ten Garrett Z-Lynk s MS-3 sluchátky, velkou cívku a zablbnout si s ním v lese. Ale jak ho využívám svátečně a pro radost, tak ne a ne se odhodlat
Elmara, jaccob - chlapi, jak je to u šestky s těmi prozvuky?
Přečetl jsem včera navečer všechny diskuse okolo CS6 a velmi často se upozorňuje právě na prozvuky, kterých je se zákl. cívkou velmi mnoho (15-20/min.) a řeší to až hloubková sonda, která detektor zklidní.
Měl jsem kdysi GM4 a právě k vůli prozvukům, kterými je doslova známá, musela pryč. Dík