Axe and ceremonial dagger from the Bronze Age

Categories: Treasures , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku

Cai Antoney recently discovered a Bronze Age axe and dagger in Shropshire. He made the discovery during an organised search involving three dozen people. He found the treasure as he was walking back to his car.

Antoney specifically found an axe head and a dagger, the artefacts dating back to the Bronze Age. He was really excited about the discovery and immediately bragged to his fellow searchers. He made this find of a lifetime when he went on an organized search by the Noble Pursuits Metal Detecting group.

The joint search took place in early December in Shropshire. The event was attended by around thirty metal detectorists. "There were some really nice pieces found first thing in the morning. By the afternoon it was pretty quiet," recalled Antoney, who has been searching with metal detectors for a long time.

He had a strange feeling as he walked back to his car. He noticed a strong vibration coming from his metal detector. First he pulled the head of the axe out of the dirt. "This is one of the best pieces I've ever seen. Really cool. I like artifacts that have been in contact with a person living long ago who lost it somewhere thousands of years ago," Antoney said.

He immediately called the other searchers over to see what he had found and if they still saw any artifacts he had missed. In addition to the axe head, he also pulled a ceremonial dagger from the ground, which also made him very happy.

"This artifact could have been associated with a funeral or other ceremony, which might explain why the dagger is divided into three pieces," the seeker mused.

"As far as the condition of the finds goes, you won't find much," remarked the searcher, whose treasure is now in the hands of Peter Reavill, who is the liaison officer for Shropshire.

He intends to return to the site where he found the artefacts. "It's wet everywhere now. You can't even see properly what you've found," Antoney added.

He plans to continue his search with the metal detector for a long time. He has taken a liking to this hobby and finding artifacts has made him even more excited to go prospecting.

"I have noticed that there is a general increase in interest in metal detecting. It really is a popular hobby," the searcher concluded.


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