Dobrá práce 👍👍👍
As it was this year in Kdyni
Categories: Search events published on LP
The meeting is organized by the local searchers' association Vladivoj, which is a group of cheerful searchers, mostly warriors, who have already run a lot. With that, of course, a lot of experiences they are happy to share. This reunion was the twentieth anniversary one and it was in a reminiscent spirit over the older photos.
Friday was the traditional start of the reunion of old levers we have known for many years and also a few new participants who have rejuvenated the blood. Discussions were held about everything that had happened during the year, what had been found and what would like to be found..
Then in the evening there was the popular fun midnight raffle, culminating in the grand prize of a Minelab X-Terra PRO detector .
On Saturday, it was not so early to get up after the smart cups. Some daredevils even went searching in the terrible heat, which probably wasn't the happiest idea, and even ended in hospital for some. Others sort of hung around the stall and some took to the polygons.
There were three polygons, an old depth polygon that has been there for many years and used to give most detectors a hard time, which is no longer the case for the top of the market today. The other was a determination polygon. And finally a separation hell in the form of a square metre where someone had tipped out a wheelbarrow of scrap metal and put four small coins amongst the mess. On this polygon you need a really good detector and especially to know how to set up and move the probe properly.
Saturday night was spent drinking, sitting around the fire, roasting roasting sausages and after smart cups playing the guitar and bellowing till very late hours.
On Sunday we packed up, said goodbye and left. Oh, and all the way thinking that I have to buy an alcohol tester :)
So once again I want to thank the Vladivojs for a great event and next year again :)
Dan - Haban
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Marku,Ty jsi to nepochopil.Smaž tu známku,je to hnusný.
Rád bych poděkoval všem, kteří si našli letos cestu k nám do Kdyně a svoji návštěvou přispěli k téměř rekordní účasti. Počasí vyšlo na výbornou, hlady a žízní myslím nikdo nestrádal a vzhledem k letošním trochu bojovým podmínkám kempu díky jeho probíhající rekonstrukci, se to podařilo zvládnout.
Velký dík patří celému týmu z Lovců Pokladů za každoroční první cenu v tombole v podobě detektoru!!
Neméně tak i všem ostatním účastníkům, kteří svými věcnými dary obohatili tradiční veselou páteční tombolu.
Celkové hodnocení srazu přísluší samotným návštěvníkům. Vše podstatné již zmínil sám Dan-Habán v úvodu příspěvku.
Ještě jednou všem veliké díky z naší strany a pokud situace s okolnostmi dovolí, uvidíme se doufám opět za rok v minimálně stejné sestavě na Hájovně.
Za celou domažlickou bandu srdečně zdravím