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6.11.2015 A statue depicting the torso of a body
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
Archaeologists found the seven thousand year old statue in Lipník nad Bečvou. The small sculpture depicted the torso of a body. According to experts, it dates back to the Neolithic period, which is very rare.
The discovery was made by an unfortunate coincidence. Archaeologists from Přerov contributed to it, who were very pleased with the statue. The 7,000-year-old sculpture dates back to the Neolithic period. The archaeologists discovered the statue in a polycultural archaeological site, which researchers uncovered in the mid-1970s on the site of a newly established hop farm.
"It immediately crossed my mind that this is something unique. It is a unique torso over seven thousand years old, richly decorated with ornaments, which we have no analogy to in the Czech Republic," said archaeologist Zdeněk Schenk, who found the sculpture in the oranište.
The statue is 76 millimetres high. It probably had a head, but it had broken off. There is also a hint of a protruding arm on one side. The lower part of the statue consists of a conical, widening base, and the legs are not depicted.
'The surface is covered on one side with conspicuous engraved ornaments, which may indicate the decoration of a garment, theAlternatively, it could be a schematic representation of a part of the human body," Schenk further revealed.
According to him, at the beginning of the Early Stone Age, the area of today's Přerov region was intensively populated by the first farmers, represented by the bearers of a culture with linear pottery. The decoration of the statuette is characteristic of the earliest farmers of Central Europe.
"In the Moravian and Czech environment of the linear pottery culture, similar anthropomorphic depictions are rare," the archaeologist noted.
The statuette was made by its author from finely washed clay, with the colour of the firing going from light beige shades to dark grey-black.
"Even though only the torso of the sculpture has survived, this find is one of the most unique specimens found in the Czech Republic to date," added Jan Mikulík.
Source: www.ct24.cz, www.denik.cz
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar
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