Nedaleko Moravského Krumlova.
29. 11. 2011 He bought a castle for 1.2 million
Categories: Calendar
In the nineteenth century, the ruins of Templštejn Castle near Jamolic near Moravský Krumlov were often visited by tourists. Ten years ago, David Hamza bought this old building. He sent the highest bid to the Forestry of the Czech Republic - 1.2 million.
Volunteers helped the new castle lord to preserve the ruins in their most authentic form. This was also the main reason why the man bought the building. "I always wanted an old house, a mill. I didn't reject the ruins either. The main thing was that it should be somewhere in Moravia," Hamza revealed.
He was also looking for a place where he could go on weekends to relax. It wasn't until one day that he found an offer from the Forest of the Czech Republic, which was selling Templštejn. The history of the castle dates back to the thirteenth century. Gradually it was expanded. The northern outbuilding, the southern palace, the fortification belts and the colossalThe gable wall overlooking the promontory on which the castle stands from about 1470.
The castle was abandoned probably in the mid-sixteenth century. Significant remains of the masonry have survived, especially the ruins of the forecourt and core. Templštejn massive ruins of the gable wall and uncluttered excites not only treasure hunters. Fans of the mysterious also mention that the castle is strangely built and resembles more of a giant vault.
The Czech forests decided to sell the ruin because of the danger of falling stones. The lowest bid was 600,000 crowns. But according to expert opinions, the land with the building was worth twice as much.
"I thought about the price for a long time. I told myself that a group of tramps could make the lowest bid. So if I give 700,000, the chances are slim. I offered 1.2 million. The second highest was a million," Hamza said.
Lesy ČR received six bids in total, with Hamza offering the highest amount. Thanks to his determination and the help of volunteers, the ruins of the unique medieval castle were saved.
"Using traditional materials, he sensitively secured the castle's masonry, ensured that the composition of the masonry was followed, built stone and wooden staircases and cleared the area of vegetation. Last year he secured the gable wall and built a viewing platform, installed information boards and completed the system of paved paths in the area. The result of their efforts serves as a positive model for the maintenance and conservation of historic ruins," the National Heritage Institute says.
You can search for artifacts from this era using our metal detectors.
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Krumlov jako Krumlov,Jižní Čechy nebo Jížní Morava.Asi chyba ve zdroji.
Dyť tam má Moravský Krumlov...
Nebo už to opravil ? 🤔
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