Nález byl ale uskutečněn v dubnu a ne v březnu.
Byl tenkrát velice suchý a teplý duben. Místo, kde došlo k nálezu bylo tenkrát tvrdé jak mlat, jen se od lžíce bagru prášilo.
U Němců jsem byl jednou pro brambory, velice slušní lidé.
28.3.2017 Coins were spilling out of the digger's spoon
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
Silver Meissen groszy and small pennies were discovered by a digger on the farm of the Nemec family in Kučeř near Milevsko. Martin Ramajzl was literally showered with coins from his spoon.
The depot is made up of individual coins pulled out of a glued lump by the digger's spoon. They were probably originally in a ceramic container. Only a few shards have survived and it is not possible to determine the shape of the container.
Ramayzl dug up the treasure while he was leveling the ground. He described how green coins poured out of a spoon. "It was a beautiful feeling, my knees were shaking," the finder described his feelings.
The Germans, who own the farm and land, also helped with the coin collection. They did not want the depot to be damaged. Right after they had collected all the coins, they called the local mayor and archaeologists from the Prácheňský Museum in Písek.
The Germans bought the land where the treasure was located in 2012. They acquired the family farm in restitution. They started the business on 13.5 hectares of inherited land and by 2017 they were already farming 350 hectares of land, 150 hectares of which they owned and the remaining rented. They mainly grow potatoes, but also have livestock production.
The coins found date back to the fifteenth century. Dagmar Němcová was searching on the internet for possible coins when Ramajzl came running with the first one. Archaeologists confirmed her assumption that the depot was from the 15th century. The family was overjoyed.
"My niece and two nephews who were at the site and brought other children were the happiest. Our two daughters and son were also very happy. We are only sorry that at that time our daughters were at school and our son was fishing," said Martin Ramajzl, who is the son-in-law of the Nemcovs.
Archaeologists identified the coins as Meissen grosz. "Overall, it was an exceptional case. Firstly, the family immediately reported it to us, and secondly, fortunately, they interrupted the work, did not disturb the site of the find and allowed us to findThe archaeologist Daniel Hlásek from the Prácheňský Museum praised the Němc family.
The treasure subsequently remained in the Prácheň Museum. The find attracted a lot of attention. People from the village and the surrounding area gathered at the site of the find.
Sources: www.jcted.cz, www.ceskatelevize.cz, www.denik.cz, www.idnes.cz
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar
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