28. 2. 2015 Calendary

28.2.2015 The Millionth Medieval Treasure

Categories: Minting - Numismatics , Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar

The million-dollar treasure was discovered by a metal detector seven years ago by a prospector in Opatov near Luby. In February 2015, the Cheb Museum was preparing an exhibition to show the beautiful depot of Hall's phoenixes to the public for the first time.

Archaeologists said that it was the largest find of Hallenian phoenixes in the Czech Republic. People could see it for the first time thanks to the Cheb Museum. The coins were found in small packets that were placed in a ceramic vase.

The treasure consists of a total of 1,195 coins from the 13th and 14th centuries. The historical value was estimated at just under a million, the finder received a reward of 90,000. That's a quarter of the value of the gold contained in the coins. The Karlovy Vary Region took custody of the find and paid the reward. Even then, the regional government promised to create such conditions in the Cheb museum that the collection could be exhibited there.

The Cheb region is a valuable location for searchers because for centuries important trade routes crossed the area. During the Second World War, fierce fighting and air battles took place there. In 2016, another searcher found 1,622 coins and ceramics in Opatov u Lubu.

The Karlovy Vary Region subsequently published an expert opinion. "The value of the find from Opatov u Lubů II cannot be expressed only in terms of mechanical market value corresponding to the current collector's price level. This is CZK 488,000. Given that it is a completely preserved and handed over finding set with known finding circumstances, its value rises at least threefold. It can therefore be stated that the cultural and historical value of the find is exactly CZK 1,466,550," said experts from the National Museum.

The legal remuneration due to the finder under the current legal standard is ten percent of the total value of the find. In this case, it is CZK 146 000. The reward of 92 thousand crowns was then given to Michal from Karlovy Vary, who found the bronze treasure near Mezirolí in February 2016. In total, there were 18 objects that archaeologists identified to the younger Stone Age.

The man found the objects in a forest clearing while looking for stones for his garden. The depot was taken over by the Karlovy Vary Museum, which wanted to include it in its collection. The finder was delighted with the reward and invested it in furnishing his apartment.

Sources: www.kr-karlovarsky.cz, www.ct24.cz, www.idnes.cz, Museum Cheb

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Super prima článek, ale proč je psáno Královéhradecký kraj, když se to odehrálo všechno v Karlovarském kraji?

Steyer: Jsem si to špatně vygooglila, opravíme. Díky

Díky. :-)

Jaképak zlato obsažené v mincích, když jde o mince stříbrné?

Hledala jsem to a fakt se v tom původním zdroji píše, že zlato. Je to přímo v oficiální citaci z kraje, tak asi tam bude krpa. :-(

Bronzový poklad identifikovali do mladší doby kamenné? 8-)

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