3/23/2011 200 pieces of 650-year-old jewelry
Categories: Treasures , Calendar , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě
An incredible find was made by an Austrian who was digging in his garden. He found 200 pieces of jewelry that, according to experts, are 650 years old. They were studded with corals, pearls or gems.
The finder refused to disclose his full Identity. It was the Austrian Andreas K., who discovered a treasure in the garden of his house in Vienna's New Town, south of Vienna. He discovered gold jewelry in 2007, but did not have time to devote to it. So he just put them in boxes and took them to the cellar.
Only later did he contact the experts who determined that the jewelry was 650 years old. The Austrian dug them out of the ground while working in the garden. The beautiful depot includes rings, brooches, buckles and metal ornaments for containers. Some were decorated with corals, pearls and gems. The Austrian did not expect this at all.
Information about the discovery of jewelry appeared in public ten years ago. There were a lot of people interested in buying. The finder first published photos of jewelry on the Internet. Only later did someone advise him to contact the monument office. According to experts, jewelry has incalculable historical value.
They even stated that it was one of the most important medieval Austrian deposits. Karin Derler from the Monuments Office commented on the finding of the treasure at that time. She said that the beauty of some metalwork is really unbelievable. "The finder wanted this important cultural heritage to be made available to the public after scientific elaboration. We can satisfy him in that. It's a really sensational finding, "said an expert from the Monuments Office.
Historians were not too surprised that such a beautiful discovery was made in Vienna's New Town. In the past, an important trade route led through it, connecting Vienna with Budapest. Today, Vienna's New Town has over forty thousand inhabitants and is the statutory and district town of Lower Austria. It was founded in 1194 by Duke Leopold V. Babenberg, as the fortress of Neustadt, which was to face the invasions of the Hungarians.
Since the early Middle Ages, it has been an important center on the border between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Duchy of Austria. In 1751 it became the seat of the Theresian Military Academy.
Sources: www.cbsnews.com, https://bda.gv.at/, www.tn.cz
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Treasures
- Archive of articles > Calendar
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad > Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě
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