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April 22, 2007 A student found a 3,300-year-old treasure
Categories: Treasures , Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
A treasure of incalculable value was discovered fourteen years ago by a student from Mladá Boleslav. The depot contained four bronze axes and eight gold spirals. Adam Kohout found the objects with a metal detector.
Experts later found the treasure to be 3300 years old. At that time, a sixteen-year-old grammar school student found axes and spirals near a forest in the Mladá Boleslav region. The exact description of the site was kept secret by archaeologists. The depot was about twenty inches underground. The young man set out to find the treasure when he read about the coins that were supposed to be on the local hill.
"So I went there with a metal detector. Although I did not find the coin, I was still successful, "rejoiced at the time, a young man who was interested in archeology and wanted to deal with it in the future as well. When he discovered the treasure, he had only owned the metal detector for two months, and he immediately made such a beautiful and significant discovery.
Adam even collaborated for a long time with the Museum of the Mladá Boleslav Region, to whom he also handed over the find. The local experts were thrilled with the treasure.
"Most archaeologists will not do this in their lifetime. Adam has been collaborating on research for a long time. If someone else found the treasure, we might not know, and the finder would sell it for several hundred thousand. But the value is much higher for us, "confirmed Filip Krásný from the Museum of the Mladá Boleslav Region," who kept the treasure.
The found objects come from the turn of the Middle and Late Bronze Age. And in a place where there was probably a prehistoric fortified seat. All gold spirals contained approximately 250 grams of gold. According to Krásný, their price was estimated at about one hundred thousand crowns. "But the historical value of the found treasure is incalculable," Krásný remarked.
Pieces of gold probably come from deposits in southern Bohemia. The spirals probably served as an ornament. For example, smaller ones were tangled in hair. The axes looked unworn, confirming the theory that the treasure was dug up by a buyer who originally planned to sell the new items.
"First I found one of the four bronze axes. At first I thought it was a coincidence that someone might have lost her there. So far, this is my biggest success, but I hope not the last. I was expecting a maximum of a bronze ring or something. But not really such a treasure, "said the lucky finder.
Sources: www.idnes.cz, https://cesky.radio.cz/, Právo
Photo: Museum of the Mladá Boleslav Region
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Treasures
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar
1. ten mladík se jmenoval Adam Kout nikoli Kohout! Dnes je profes.archeologem.
2. 250 g pouze goldu by i při tehdejších cenách udělalo krapet víc než 100 litrů.
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