22. 11. 1932 Calendary

22.11.1932 Gold Celtic coins from Stary Kolin

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar

In the 1930s, a mass discovery of gold coins was made in the northern part on the banks of the Klejnárka River. Originally, they were in two bags, but they disintegrated over time. The treasure contained a total of 1.7 kilograms of gold.

The discovery of the extensive coin hoard took place between 1932 and 1936. It was located behind the barn of house number 67 at a depth of approximately 1.5 metres. The bags that originally contained the money were sealed by the owner with two bronze rings.

Archaeologist František Dvořák, who was originally a doctor, was the first to receive the treasure. He was a self-taught archaeologist. He gained fame throughout Europe and significantly expanded the archaeological collection of the museum in Kolín by about forty thousand artefacts. He was eventually executed for his participation in the anti-Nazi resistance.

In 1968, 197 tripods and 107 thirds of tripods, mainly of the shell type, were handed over to the National Museum in Prague. However, the origin of the coins has never been established. The reason why the owner hid the depot remained a mystery. Several mints were used to produce the coins.

Archaeologists returned to the site. But even research in the 1980s yielded no new information. In 1968, the National Museum in Prague bought the treasure from the heirs of František Dvořák. The depot is stored there under number 45/1968. It is currently the largest surviving hoard of Celtic coins in the Czech Republic.

The grave of a Celtic woman was also found in the same locality. Inside were three buckles, two bracelets on the left arm, a belt chain and two footstools. The find was restored and stored in the Cologne Museum.

Furthermore, a rotary millstone from the second to the first century BC was found in this locality.basalt from the Rhineland, two iron axes, a sickle and a bronze sling from the same period.

The area around Starý Kolín has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. The origin of the original settlement in these places was not accidental, as in the 7th to 10th centuries the village was founded. In the 7th to 7th centuries, two provincial trails ran through the area, the Trstenická trail, leading from Moravia via Svata Kateřina to Kačiny, and a branch of the Haberská trail, leading from Nové Dvory.

Sources: www.mistopisy.cz, www.cestyarcheologie.cz, www.cestyapamatky.cz

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Pěkné to máš
Já jsem hledal ve starém Kolíně a nic jen pátrony ach jo 😭 ;-) :-)

To je právě ono, kdyby jsi hledal patrony tak by jsi našel zlaťáky, dělej to naopak, já třeba hledám kovadlinu, to je asi jediné co ještě nemám a moc bych ji chtěl, a stále nic :,-(

To já bych chtěl zlatak a furt jen pátrony

Pomůže ty patrony hledat v metru a půl.

Tvrdík: Neboj všechno bude. I zlaťák. Mám dojem, že bydlíte někde na poli a jen s otcem jezdíte a pleníte.

Jste plenitelé!!

MM> Sranda, asi jsi neviděl Strážci Galaxie. Co?

Nevím, proč by mi mělo padat něco na hlavu?


Tak mě osobně krom té nádhery zaujalo-depot je uložen pod čislem 45/1968. To je co jako !? ! Jako že největší poklad keltskych mincí není vystaven a je někde ve skladu ? 😢😢😨

Je to hrozná škoda,pokud takovéto skvosty leží uzamčené někde ve sklepě. A zaberou minimum místa. A třeba na historii tiskařství mají snad pul patra. Obrovské stroje atd. Asi je to o penězích na zabezpečení. Možná by si naše mince a bankovky zasloužily své muzeum. A možná,kdo ví, že by časem přibyly dary od detektorářů. Vždyť na co je někomu,že má v albu už osmnáctý krejcar Leopolda. Třeba. . A je nás prý až 30 tisíc. Každý pár zbytných mincí,a základ by byl. Co vy na to?

No,je to škoda,že to neni nějak pohromadě. Ale co jsem zjištoval teď rychle,tak celkem rozsáhlou sbírku má olomoucké muzeum. MarkyMark-beru Tvé argumenty že mince asi netáhnou široké davy,ale..kdyby se to spojilo s nějakou ukázkou třeba tavby a ražby,jak to je v Kutné Hoře,k tomu zahrnout třeba pečetě a pečetidla,a pak ještě bankovky,z nichž třeba naše prvorepubliková jsou uplná umělecká dila...a tak jako mají v Paříži v Louvru za pancerovym sklem Monu Lisu,tak bychom my měli tu obří zlatou minci od ČNB ZA STO MEGA😀😀. To už by návštěvnost byla hodne dobra...

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