21. 4. 1757 Calendary

21 Apr 1757 Battle of Liberec

Categories: Years of war and revolution , Calendar

Bitva u Liberce

The Battle of Liberec, part of the Seven Years' War, on 21 April 1757, caused hundreds of deaths. The Prussian and Austrian armies clashed. Civilians subsequently died of typhus, which spread through the town.

The Seven Years' War was the first global conflict to involve every continent except Australia. "It erupted as a result of an Austrian attempt to recapture Silesia, recently occupied by Prussia. Due to the transformation of European alliances, Prussia found herself face to face with France, Austria, Russia and others. Its only ally was Britain, which provided some subsidies and a few troops, while also pressuring the French. In Europe, Prussia resisted its enemies, albeit at considerable cost, while the British wrested control of Canada and India from the French," writes R. G. Grant in Battles: 5000 Years of Warfare.

The Battle of Liberec was part of the so-called Prusso-Austrian Front. It was only at this northern Bohemian town that Austrian troops were able to significantly counter King Frederick II of Prussia. The Austrian side had 6700 men with 14 cannons on the right flank towards Ruprechtice, and 7200 infantrymen and 3000 cavalrymen with 8 cannons on the left flank. This means in total up to 17 thousand men. They were arranged in three lines, but they had no reserves.

In contrast, the Prussians under the Duke of Bevern had up to 16,000 men including cavalry. But they had allocated the appropriate number of guns, including a reserve of five squadrons of cavalry and one battalion. They left the chariotry under protection at Chrastava.

The battle itself lasted half a day and was launched by the Prussians against the enemy's right flank. The cavalry played a key role when the Austrian squadrons were forced to retreat. The Austrian troops began clearing the area towards Rochlice at 11am. Thirty officers and 625 privates of the Prussian army were killed or wounded, while 35 officers and 849 privates were wounded on the Austrian side.

The soldiers were buried on the slopes of Jested, the officers in Liberec, where the wounded were taken. However, a typhus epidemic broke out among them and spread uncontrollably. The townspeople in Liberec also fell ill, and more people died. The Prussians were finally defeated at the Battle of Cologne in June. The Austrian army under Marshal Leopold Daun was reinforced by Saxon cavalry regiments. The fighting eventually moved elsewhere and the Seven Years' War continued. In all, around half a million soldiers and an equal number of civilians died.

Six years ago, a nature trail commemorating the Battle of Liberec was created by the Ark 13 Benevolent Society. They have also published a book presenting interesting facts about this important event. They also organise an annual reconstruction of the battle.

Sources: www.liberecky-kraj.cz, www.ostasov.eu, R. G. Grant: Battles: 5000 Years of Warfare, www.archa13.cz

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Výborné. Akorát tu bitvu si neumím moc dobře představit, a kde přesně se stala.
Je tam zmíněná Chrastava, Ostašov, Rochlice, Ruprechtice.Je to dost velké rozmezí. (Jako na plochu). Vím, že v Ostašově je památník 1. sv. války. A při rekonstrukci libereckého náměstí se našly ostatky důstojníků po bitvě u Liberce.


Mějte se fajně a díky za článek. ;-)

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