21. 4. 2016 Calendary

Apr 21, 2016 Boskovice treasure

Categories: Minting - Numismatics , Treasures , Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar

At least 2267 coins contained Boskovice's treasure. This is the part that has been traced back. The depot discovered a search engine with a metal detector, which, however, concealed the finding and only ended up in crime with its ears worn. Five years ago, the coin could be viewed by the public in Mikulov.

The finder found the treasure as early as 2010. However, he concealed this fact and sold the coins to a dealer. Fortunately, the police managed to track down at least part of the depot. Two men who did not report the treasure then faced up to five years in prison. In the end, however, they confessed to the crime and paid damages, thus avoiding crime.

The men were threatened with severe punishment for participation and concealment. The silver coins that were traced were then stored in the Moravian Museum. "The case has been resolved by so-called diversion. The men confessed to the crime, paid damages and contributed to helping the victims of crime, "explained the Blansko district attorney Ivana Šmídová.

Boskovice's treasure is significant mainly for its size. It contained thousands of coins, but some may probably never be traced again. The treasure was found by a metal detector in July 2010, in a forest between the villages of Boskovice and Újezd u Boskovic, above Pilský údolí, on a hill called Zlatník.

The treasure was located in the ground about twenty inches below the surface. The coins were wrapped in cloth and stored in a clay jug made of light burnt clay and with remnants of green glaze. The owner hid them in a safe place under the stone. The total weight of the coins was approximately six kilograms. The place with the stones seemed convenient to the seeker, so he explored it.

Police found a pitcher and less than half of the coins, which were exhibited in 2016 by the museum in Mikulov. "They were hidden in the country in the 1840s in connection with the events when the country was looted by the armies of many armies," said Jana Frantelová for the museum at the exhibition in Mikulov.

The historical value of the Boskovice treasure is incalculable. Experts estimated the market price at about one million crowns. He kept two hundred coins for the finder and sold the rest for 850,000 to a dealer who resold the coins to collectors.

Sources: www.boskovice.cz, www.denik.cz, www.mzm.cz

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Noo.., podívej je syčáky! :-D :-D

Viděl jsem to na vlastní oči přímo v Mikulovském zámku ;-)

Ke mně přišel tento příběh. Část mincí prodal sběrateli za osm set tisíc ( osm set či osm set padesát, mě na nějakém tom tisíci nezáleží_Páni kluci) a když došla vata chtěl prodat další, ale jinému. Ten mu nabídl tři sta. To se mu ale s porovnáním prvního prodeje zdálo málo, tak neprodal. A dotyčný si řekl, když je nebudu mít já tak nikdo a klučinu udal. Zazvonil zvonec a s hledáním má konec.

Co na to říct ?......

Tak nejsou to první ani poslední.. Kolik takových depotu je asi nenávratně fuč..
Možná až muzea začnou těmhle nespokojeným hledačum pokladů vyplácet aspoň část hodnoty a ne nalezne 10% tak budou muzea spokojená 😌 a hledači taky. 😉
Tohle už byl kurna depot 6kg Ageček 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙉👀🙏 někdo má 6Ag/ks za rok ☝️

Ten název toho kopce, že...

Člověk může jenom tiše závidět. Teda ten nález.

Ty výslechy policie, soudy, podmínky a "dobrovolný" příspěvek na charitu jim už nezávidím 8-)

A někdo zase nemá za rok ani jedno Ag ;-)

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