21. 3. 2009 Calendary

21.3.2009 Treasure under the floor of the Vladislav Hall

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar

A surprise awaited the workers who repaired the Vladislav Hall at Prague Castle twelve years ago. They found a real treasure under the floor. These were coins, cards, letters, snippets, but also leftovers.

In addition to the things mentioned, the workers also discovered playing cards. The found objects only confirm how rich the social life was at Prague Castle during the Renaissance and Baroque. The hall has always been the center of events. Ordinary markets, coronation feasts and, in modern history, the election of presidents took place there.

And precisely because thousands and thousands of people pass through the hall, it was necessary to renovate the floor. The workers found the treasure as they began to remove the wooden boards from the ground. They discovered fragments of documents, letters, bills, pages from books, but also parts of dictionaries or dreams from the 16th century. Probably the most valuable and rarest finds were coins, watches and compasses. In addition, there were the already mentioned playing cards under the wooden floor, which surprised the archaeologists.

According to Jana Maříková-Kubková, there were such gaps in the floor that the found things could easily fall through them. "We were surprised by the number of discovered objects. Because it is a very dry environment, there were very well-preserved papers. The Vladislav Hall, as it is today, has always served social purposes. These were coronation feasts, but also markets. And then, of course, such things can get lost there, "she explained.

It is clear that the Vladislav Hall was the center of social events at the castle. This is also documented by the remains of letters that came under the floor. There were even leftovers. According to Maříková-Kubková, these were stones, shells, bones of poultry and fish. "The organization of banquets is also evidenced by the found wooden spoons, knives and fragments of glass containers," she remarked.

Most of the things were in the vicinity of the fireplace, where people preferred to stay. Diplomats also met in the Vladislav Hall. There were also the remains of pipes under the floor. According to experts, the fact that so many exceptional things were preserved contributed to the dry environment in which they had been for many years.

Archaeologists have carefully examined, preserved and exhibited all the findings at Prague Castle so that the public could view them.

Sources: https://cesky.radio.cz/, MF DNES, www.ct24.cz

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